Welcome to the National Curriculum of Pakistan (NCP) 2023 Feedback Portal.

Here you will find a DRAFT version of curriculum documents for Grades 9-12. Please give your feedback on all material shared.

After feedback is incorporated, the provincial/area Implementation Leads will review the updated draft for consensus and finalization.

Feedback for Grades 9-12 is due on March 30, 2023

The revised Standards for Grades 9-12 will be notified by April 2023. The various education departments may then get the NCP 2023 notified through respective cabinets.




Curriculum Guidelines

Pakistan Studies Grade 9 – 10

The curriculum mainly aims at equipping the students with the knowledge of our country and providing an insight into the history of the region and struggle for independence so that our citizen are informed decision makers. The curriculum is divided into six domains: Geography of Pakistan, History of Pakistan, Environment of Pakistan, Resources and economic development in Pakistan, Society and culture of Pakistan and Pakistan and International Affairs. The overarching aim of the course is to develop an understanding of interactions between knowledge and understanding of the importance to the people and country of Pakistan of its physical characteristics, human and natural resources, economic development, population characteristics, political development, society and culture and of their inter-relationships.

The physical and human environment of Pakistan is the key to relate, interpret and predict the true potential for the sustainable development of Pakistan. A concept of the physical and Human Geography will enable our students to relate and understand all domains with ease. The syllabus also aims to provide insights into the origins, creation and development of Pakistan, and encourages discussion of issues facing Pakistan. It aims to enable candidate to:

       Acquire knowledge and understanding of the human past.


       Investigate historical events, changes, people and issue.


       Develop understanding of how the past has been represented and interpreted.


       Develop an understanding of the nature and use of historical evidence.


       Organize and communicate knowledge and understanding of history.


       Develop and stimulate an interest and enthusiasm for history and acquire a basis for further historical study.

       Develop an understanding of the nature of cause and consequence, continuity and change and similarity and differences.

       Trace the constitutional Development and contributions made by different political parties in course of time.

       Evaluate relationship of Pakistan with other countries in world and contribution in international organizations.








Assessment objectives

       There will be three Objectives of Assessments: their % percentage details are as below:



Assessment objective


 Recall, select, use and communicate knowledge and understanding


Apply knowledge and understanding of physical and human environments and issues through explanation, analysis and evaluation


Apply skills and interpret a variety of environmental and historical resources/sources
































Theme: Geography of Pakistan

Standard: Location of Pakistan

Standard: Location of Pakistan

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the location of Pakistan and its importance

Students will:

       Identify Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N, longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on Pakistan’s map

       Annotate Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map.

       Annotate Pakistan’s neighboring countries on the map.

       Identify the importance of Pakistan's cardinal position/location in relation to bordering countries.


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan

       Locate neighboring countries, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map.

       Comprehend the commercial and tourist potential of Pakistan due to its unique geographical location.


       Study the relationship of latitudes and longitudes on temperature and time zone respectively. (Google Map /Mobile apps)

       Label or mark the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Label or mark Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.

       Analyze and evaluate the importance of Pakistan's location for trade and development.

       Analytically Elucidate and design a plan or ways in which Pakistan's geographical location could be used to its economic advantage. (Tourism, CPEC and trade etc.)


Formative Assessment

       Identify the important latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan.

       Label the neighbouring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Write a report to correlate Pakistan’s location facilitates trade and tourism for economic uplifting.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs about:

o   Cardinal points of Pakistan.

o   Neighbouring countries of Pakistan

o   Length of borders with India, China, Iran and Afghanistan.

o   Length of Pakistan’s coastline.

       Map work:

o   Identify the longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on the map of Pakistan.

o   Identify the latitudes Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N on the map of Pakistan.

o   Locate the neighbouring countries and Arabian Sea on the map of Pakistan.

Learning Activities

       Use Google map or Google Earth to show Pakistan on the globe.

       A physical Globe can be used to locate Pakistan.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects to identify the boundaries of Pakistan with India, Iran, Afghanistan and China.



Standard: Administrative Areas and Cities

Standard: Administrative Areas and Cities

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the location different administrative cities and areas of Pakistan.

Students will:

       Annotate administrative divisions of Pakistan (All Provinces and 5 main Divisions of each province)

       Annotate following cities: Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, and Quetta on the map of Pakistan.

       Identify the importance of Pakistan’s major cities in relation to their location.

       Understand the hierarchy of geographic administrative divisions of Pakistan.


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes for different cities on the map of Pakistan

       Understand the location of major cities in relation to each other and other physical features.

       Know the divisions and administrative set up of provinces. 


       Annotation on map by marking major cities.

       Identification of cities with reference to rivers and other physical features.

       Mark administrative divisions of provinces in the country.

       Identify the hierarchy of geographic administrative setup in the country.


Formative Assessment

       Short questions about different cities, their location, present administrative division, major industry etc.

       Map work can also be assessed.

       Class presentation can be assessed as well.

Summative Assessment

       True or false statements about important cities

       Long questions including evaluations. For example:

o   How would you relate the location with the economic and industrial development of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

        Map work: On blank outline map of Pakistan, ask students to mark provincial boundaries, locate important cities and boundaries of divisions of provinces.

       Research Work/ Presentation. Students will prepare a fact file of different cities in groups. Each group of students can be allocated a specific city. Students will present on the location, importance, population profile and major economic activities of that city







Standard: The Natural Topography

Standard: The Natural Topography  

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the Topographical division of Pakistan    

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Name and identify these Landforms:

o   MOUNTAINS: Hindu Kush Mountains, Karakorum Mountains, Himalaya Mountains)

o   PLATEAUS: Potohar plateau (salt range) and Balochistan Plateau

o   PLAINS: The Upper Indus Plain- and Lower Indus Plain

o   DESERTS: Thar, Thal, Kharan

o   RIVERS: Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej

       Use geographical vocabulary when describing the features of mountains, plateaus, plains and deserts.

       Locate the important mountain ranges of Pakistan on the map.

       Annotate the important cities located in these mountains and highlight the reason for their importance.

       Compare and contrast the weather, economy, natural vegetation, drainage, lifestyle and culture of the people of these areas. (Hindu Kush Mountains, Karakorum Mountains, Himalaya Mountains)

       Locate the two plateaus of Pakistan on map.

       Annotate the important cities located on these areas.

       Compare the weather, natural vegetation, drainage system, lifestyle and economy of the people.

       Locate the two plains of Pakistan on map.

       Annotate the important cities located on these areas.

       Compare the weather, natural vegetation, drainage system, lifestyle and economy of the people.

       Locate the eastern and western tributaries of drainage system of Pakistan on map.

       Annotate the important cities located around these areas.

       Compare the weather, natural vegetation, drainage system, lifestyle and economy of the people.

       Locate deserts of Pakistan on map.

       Annotate the important cities located on these areas.

       Compare the weather, natural vegetation, drainage system, lifestyle and economy of the people.

       Highlight the coastline of Pakistan and identify it on the map.

       Annotate the ports on map and relate the natural features of coastline with the development of ports.

       Analyse the role of Gwadar port in development of Baluchistan.

       Analyze the potentials for ports for future growth and suitability for development of ports, commercial activities, leisure activities and economic development.


       Identify, list, label and explain the different landforms in Pakistan.        

       Explain and relate the differences between mountains of Northeastern and Western ranges of Pakistan.

       Compare and explain Potohar and Balochistan plateaus. 

       Distinguish between the upper and lower plains of the Indus.

       Identify and explain the features of the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Describe and explain the coastal regions of Pakistan.

       Use proper nomenclature and vocabulary based on physical geography.

       Identify and explain the influence of the physical environment on human activities         


       Evaluating the diversity of natural topography helps Pakistan to develop sustainably.

       Analyze, differentiate, and compare the mountain ranges of the Northeastern, Northwestern and Western Pakistan.

       Analyze and design a development plan for Potohar and the Balochistan plateau.

       Analyze and infer the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

       Distinguish the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Evaluate the significance of the coastal region of Pakistan.

       Classify different types of physical terrain according to location, climate, vegetation, etc.

       Critically evaluate and infer the influence of various physical factors on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area.


Formative Assessment: 

       Class presentations

       Written and verbal response during class activities.

       Exit slip – muddiest point after the lesson on any day.

Summative Assessment

Evaluative Questions:

      Highlight the position and territorial location of the occurrence of different landforms in Pakistan.

      Rank and assemble the differentiating features of the mountain ranges of the North-eastern, North-western and Western Pakistan.

      Compile and integrate the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

      Comparatively analyse the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

      Enumerate by highlighting the important aspects demonstrating the importance of the coastal regions of Pakistan.

      Validate through analytical reasoning how the physical factors mediate the influence on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area. 

      How would you differentiate the Northern and Western mountains in Pakistan.

      Can you identify the contrasts between Potohar and Balochistan Plateau?

      Why do you think the upper Indus Plain is different from Lower Indus plain?

      What are the major differences between the coastal region and the rest of Pakistan?

      How do you think Physical and Geographic factors influence various topographic regions of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Cross regional interactions: Interactive session with the students of other countries/ regions to discuss terrain, climate and culture of those areas.

       Group Work: Divide the class into three or four groups to collect the information about each type of terrain. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting. Rubrics and criterion must be shared with the students before allocating group work.

       Draw eastern and western tributaries of River Indus System om outline map of Pakistan. Also highlight the upper Indus and lower Indus Plains on the same map.


       Divide the class into three groups and allocate one desert to each group. Ask students to prepare a power point presentation on their assigned topic. They are expected to include information about the location, area, important cities, culture, resources present, major cities / towns, major economic activity and challenges faced in those areas. Encourage them to include pictures to make their work more presentable and colourful.

       Case study: Assign a group work on Gwadar port. Students in groups will collect information and data on location of Gwadar port, its natural strategic position, importance of its location, impacts of developing port on economy of local people and country and impacts of environment of that region. 


Standard: Climate

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the Climatic division of Pakistan

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Differentiate between weather and climate.

       Annotate the climatic zones of Pakistan on the outline map.

       Use Maps, GIS and Google maps to help students identify different climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Compare the weather conditions of different climatic zones.

       Identify the elements of climate.

       Analyse the factors affecting climate of a region.

       Analyze the distribution of temperature and precipitation, including monsoons, cyclones (Western Depressions) and convectional rain in Pakistan.

       Infer the effects of longitude and latitude on day length and temperature.

       Distinguish between seasonal and regional variations and factors such as recessions, thunderstorms, and hurricanes.

       Evaluate the effect of Latitudes and Longitudes on Temperature, Air Pressure and Rainfall in Pakistan.

       Identify the factors that cause rainfall in Pakistan.

       Analyze the characteristics of arid, semi-arid, humid, and highland climates, including seasonal changes.

       Discuss the climate of coastal zone of Pakistan and relate it with the economy of the people of coastal regions.

       Evaluate the effects of different climatic zones: highlands and lowlands of Pakistan on human activity.

       Evaluate the effects of different climatic zones (coastal and deserts) of Pakistan on human activity.



       Identify, list, label and explain various climatic factors in Pakistan, including precipitation, wind, temperature and air pressure.

       Discuss and compare the roles of latitude, altitude, sea distance and precipitation in the climate of an area.

       Comprehend how latitude and longitude affects the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Interpret extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Explain and relate the causes and effects of drought and floods in Pakistan.

       Describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate the effects of climate on the lives of People.




       Analyze, compare and contrast the climatic factors in Pakistan including rainfall, wind, temperature and pressure using maps and graphs.

       Apply and analyze the influence of altitude and longitude on the climate zones and time zone of Pakistan respectively.

       Analyze the impact of Altitude, Latitude and Longitude on the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate, elucidate and infer the effects of extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Compare the lifestyle, economic and   human activities in different climatic zones of Pakistan.

       Design sustainable development plans for different climate zones of Pakistan to handle extreme climatic conditions (floods and droughts).


Summative Assessment:

Evaluative Questions:

  Differentiate between weather and climate.

  Identify the Climatic Factors.

  Describe rainfall due to Summer Monsoon, Western Depression and Convectional Currents.

  Explain the effect of Latitudes and Longitudes on Temperature, Air Pressure and Rainfall in Pakistan.

  Study recent Floods and Droughts in Pakistan.

  Identify the causes and consequences of Floods and Droughts.

   Identify Climatic Regions of Pakistan and effects on human lives.

Formative Assessment

       Fill in the blanks.

       Short questions

o   How would you differentiate between Weather and Climate?

o   What is the role of various climatic factors on the Climate of an area?

o   Describe the following: Summer Monsoon, Western Depressions and Convectional Rainfalls

o   How would you relate longitudes and latitudes with the climate of an area?

o   Describe the causes of the following natural disasters: Floods and Droughts.

o   Can you suggest ways to prevent and reduce the damage caused by floods and droughts?

o   How would you describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan?

o   Can you relate the lifestyles of people living in different climatic regions of Pakistan

Learning Activities

       Use Maps, GIS and Google maps to help students identify different climatic regions of Pakistan.


       Use a range of sources such as Google maps, satellite images, photographs, diagrams, GPS, GIS, newspaper articles, climatic maps to derive information about global warming, climate change, and its effects on Pakistan.


       Asynchronous collaboration (Padlet Wall) to help students exchange notes on challenges caused by climate change and people’s adaptability to climate change in terms of their lifestyle and economy etc.


       Provide all the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. to facilitate students to understand the climate of Pakistan.

       Group work: Assign students, different climate zones in groups. Each group will work on their assigned zone and collect data / information about the weather patterns, cities, culture, terrain, economic activity and industry of their climatic zone. Rubrics and criterion should be shared with the students for standardized work from all students.





Domain: History and Culture of Pakistan

Standard: Ideological Basis of Pakistan

Standard: Ideological Basis of Pakistan

Benchmark: Promote an understanding of ideology of Pakistan and its relationship with creation of Pakistan.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Define the term ideology.

     Identify the major sources of Pakistan Ideology.

     Relate the basis of Pakistan’s ideology with particular reference to the basic values of Islam and economic deprivation of Muslims in India.

     Explain and elaborate Two-nation Theory: Origin and Explications with reference to the economic and social deprivations of Muslims.

     Evaluate Pakistan’s Ideology with reference to Quaid Azam and Allama Iqbal’s proclamations.Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Students will

       State the concept of two nation theory.

       Discuss who presented it and what were the factors behind it.

       Discuss why did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan presented Two Nation Theory. 

       Understand Quaid e Azam’s and Allama Iqbal’s opinion about Two Nation Theory. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Students will:

       Define the term Ideology.

       Enlist the main sources of Pakistan’s Ideology.

       State the main features of Two Nation Theory.

       Comment that Two Nation Theory was important for Muslims of subcontinent.

       Elaborate the problems faced by Muslims of Subcontinent before partition that became the reason for presenting Two Nation Theory.

       Comment on Allama Iqbal’s role in presenting Two Nation Theory. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       Justify Quaid e Azam’s support for Two Nation Theory.                   Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on concept of Two Nation Theory

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, rapid questioning, short question answer session

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

       Entry tickets and Exit slips on short questions about problems faced by the Muslims of Subcontinent.

       Muddiest point at wrap-up of the lesson of Two nation Theory

       1- minutes summary about important leaders who presented Two Nation Theory.

       Debate session / competition on reasons for presenting Two Nation Theory. Some students can speak in favour, or some may go against.



Summative Assessments:

    Quiz competition to assess the topic as a whole.

       Evaluative questions. (For example)

o   Justify that Two Nation Theory became the basis for the creation of Pakistan.

o   Comment on role of Muslim leaders in presenting Two Nation Theory.

o   Evaluate the contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in presenting Two Nation Theory



Learning Activities:



       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   http://notesonpakistan.blogspot.com/2009/08/two-nation-theory.html

o   https://storyofpakistan.com/two-nation-theory-the-myth-the-reality/

o   https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1033923


         Class Presentation: Students can be assigned pair / group presentations on ideology of Pakistan and sources of Ideology. Sharing of rubrics and criterion with students is necessary before they start their work.

       Develop a working / live board in the class. Draw a timeline in the middle of the board and keep on adding the events as the history lessons move on. Encourage students to add on their learnings on this board as they cover the subtopics.


       Role play: A role play can be planned by making two groups, Hindus and Muslims and reflecting the problems created by Hindus for Muslims. Some students can become the leaders and present the Two Nation Theory. 





















Standard: Struggle and Creation of Pakistan:


Struggle and Creation of Pakistan

Benchmark: Students should be able to delineate the struggle for a Muslim State in the subcontinent and familiarize themselves with the genesis and struggle for Pakistan. They should also be able to acquaint themselves with the various phases of political and constitutional developments and impediments in the smooth functioning of democracy from 1857 till Pakistan’s creation in 1947.

Student’s Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Identify the immediate and underlying causes of the war of independence in 1857.

     Assess the impacts of war on the Muslims in subcontinent.

     Evaluate the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as a reformer (education, social and political)

     Criticize his contributions and its impact on Muslims and western world.

     Highlight his relations with British and ulama.

     Discuss the reason for the foundation of Aligarh college and the Aligarh Movement

     Describe the origin, aims and main features of Khilafat Movement 1918

     Analyze why did Khilafat movement fail?

     Trace the antecedents of the Pakistan Resolution 1940

     Discuss the Congress’s alternative to Pakistan: CR formula and Jinnah-Ghandhi talks.

     Discuss the political conditions of the sub-continent which led to the formation of All India Muslim League (Partition of Bengal (1905) and Simla Deputation (1906)) 

     Discuss Pakistan Resolution - 1940

     State the key features of first Simla conference-1945.

     State the aims and objectives of All India Muslim League.

     Describe the impact of the General Election 1945 - 46 on the creation of Pakistan.

     Compare and contrast the Cripps’ offer and Cabinet Mission Plan.

     Discuss the Muslim League Legislator’s Convention in the light of Lahore Resolution and Madras Amendment.

     Discuss the role of interim Government in advancing the cause of Pakistan.

     Discuss the role of Muslim Leaders (Quaid-i-Azam , Allama Iqbal , and Ch. Rehmat Ali) in making of Pakistan. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

     Define British colonialism and its impact on various aspects of life in Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.


       War of Independence 1857- causes and impacts.

       Contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and its effect on Western world

       Relations of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan with Ullama’s and Britishers

       Aligarh College and Aligarh Movement

       Khilafat Movement

       Political and economic situation in subcontinent and formation of All India Muslim League

       Aims and objectives of All India Muslim League

       Antecedents of Pakistan Resolution.

       Pakistan Resolution 1940

       CR formula and Jinnah – Gandhi talks.

       Simla Conference – 1945

       General Elections 1945 and its impact on creation of Pakistan

       Cripps Offer and Cabinet Mission Plan

       Muslim Legislator’s Convention in light of Lahore Resolution 1940 and Madrasa Amendments

       Interim Government and cause of Pakistan

       Contributions of Muslim Leaders; Quaid e Azam          Allam Iqbal  Ch Rehmat AliArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       British Colonialism and its impact on life of people in subcontinent.



Students will be able to:

       Identify the underlying causes of the War of independence in 1857.

       Evaluate the impact of war on Muslims of subcontinent.

       Draw a timeline to show important events in life of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

       Comment on the role of Syed Sir Ahmed Khan as Social, political and education reformer.

       Criticize the contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and their impact on Muslims and Western World.

       Highlight Sir Syed’s relation with Muslim Ulama and comment on the reasons for the conflict.

       Discuss the efforts made by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to improve the British Muslim relations.

       Discuss the objectives of Aligarh Movement

        Some historians say ‘Mohammedan Anglo-oriental College’ was the institution that contributed more than any other in the formation of Pakistan. Justify.

       Identify the reasons for the rise of the Khilafat Movement.

       Draw a timeline to show the events and happenings of the Khilafat Movement as it progresses from establishment till its end.

       Comment on the reasons for the failure of the Khilafat Movement. 

       Compare and contrast the positive and negative impacts of the Khilafat Movement on the people of subcontinent.

       Draw a timeline to reflect political development in subcontinent from Simon Commission 1927 till congress election in 1937, particularly highlighting Nehru Report, Round table conferences, Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address (1930), Communal Award, Rehmat Ali’s Now or Never Concept and Govt of India Act - 1935.

       Discuss the aims and objectives of establishments of All India Muslim League.

       State the political, social and economic conditions of Muslims in subcontinent that led to the formation of All India Muslim League (Partition of Bengal -1905 and Simla Deputation - 1906)

       Appreciate the role of All India Muslim League in the struggle for independence.

       Discuss the significance of Allama Iqbal’s Address of Allahabad 1930.

       Evaluate Quaid e Azam’s 14 points as a response to Nehru Report.

       Critically analyze the rationale behind Quaid’s decision of celebrating of Day of Deliverance and its impact on Muslims as well as Britishs.

       Discuss Pakistan Resolution 1940 in detail reflecting on the important leaders and their contributions in it.

       Cripps Proposal of 1942 was rejected by both Congress and Muslim League. Justify the reasons.

       Analyze the reasons for the failure of Simla Conference 1945.

       Highlight the outcomes of Elections of 1945 /46 and its impact on Muslims as well as non-Muslims of subcontinent.

       Compare and contrast the Cripps’ Offer and Cabinet Mission Plan.

       Discuss the Muslim League Legislator’s Convention in the light of Lahore Resolution and Madras Amendment.

       Comment on the role of interim Government in advancing the cause of Pakistan.

       Appreciate Lord Mountbatten and 3rd June Plan as an important step towards creation of Pakistan.

       Discuss the role of Muslim Leaders (Quaid-i-Azam, Allama Iqbal, and Ch. Rehmat Ali) in making of Pakistan.

       Review the era of British colonialism and its impact on various aspects of life in Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.


Formative Assessments:


       Debates on role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in Pakistan Movement.

       Written response in form of classwork / homework. On impact of War of Independence.

       Verbal responses during different activities.

       MCQs on Khilafat Movement

       Short Questions on antecedents of Pakistan Resolution.

       Quiz competition on Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission Plan, Madras Amendment, and role of interim Government in advancing the cause of Pakistan.

       For and against debate on British Colonialism and its impacts. 



Summative Assessments:


Evaluative Questions – For example:

       Why did Sir Syed Ahmed believe that opposition towards British is pointless.

       Why did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan write “The cause of the Indian Revolt”?

       Quit India Movement was rejected by Congress whereas Muslim League decided to support. Appreciate the decision.



Learning Activities:


       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge.


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.


       Develop a working / live board in the class. Draw a timeline in the middle of the board and keep on adding the events as the history lessons move on. Encourage students to add on their learnings on this board as they cover the subtopics. Actions which supported Pakistan Movement or were in favour of Muslims can be marked in blue or green colour and could be placed on top of the line, whereas events showing negative impact to Muslim Cause can be placed below the line and in red color.


       Role play: A role play can be planned by making two groups, Hindus and Muslims and reflecting the problems created by Hindus for Muslims. Some students can become the leaders and present any event like Nehru report and 14 Points of Quaid e Azam     . Another example can be set up of Pakistan Resolution Day – different students can take up role of Muslim leaders and can present their point of view. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download



Standard: The first decade of newly emergent state

Standard: The first decade of newly emergent state: Problems faced by the Pakistan in early years 

Benchmark: Students should be able to critically review the first decade of newly emergent state in relation to the problems faced, efforts done to solve them, constitutional development, political development, and Jinnah’s role as well as his Vision for Pakistan.  

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Identify the early problems faced by newly emerged state of Pakistan particularly with emphasis on economic, geo-political, refugee state, constitutional reforms and administrative problems. Focus will be on the following issues:

o  Unfair boundary division

o  Division of financial and military assets

o  Refugee problems

o  Administrative problems

o  Problem of national language

o  Kashmir issue

o  Canal water Dispute

o  Princely States (Hyderabad, Junagarh)

o  Lack of trained personnel.

     Discuss the outcomes of the Radcliff Award and reactions of the Pakistan and Indian governments to it.

     Analyze its impact on Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. 

     Discuss the major features of Boundary Commission, analyze its need and unjustness relating it to the impact on the young state.

     Identify and locate the areas that became the part of the Pakistan as well as neighboring states of Pakistan.

     Discuss the Canal Water dispute and how was it dissolved / resolved.

     Suggest the difficulties which Pakistan might have faced if the problem of Canal Water Dispute would not have been solved.

     Criticize the implementation and outcomes of the Indus Water Basin Treaty

     Explain how successful Pakistan was in overcoming the initial problems faced.

     Discuss the vision of Quaid - e- Azam       for Pakistan reviewing his different addresses carried out for people of different walks of life at different times.Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


       Problems faced by Pakistan at the time of Independence.

       Radcliff Award.

       Boundary Commission.

       Areas included in Pakistan and its neighbors.

       Canal Water Dispute and Indus Water Treaty

       Vision and achievements of Quaid e Azam. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Students will be able to:

       Identify and elaborate the problems faced by newly emergent state of Pakistan at the time of independence.

       Categorized the problems as economic, political, social and administrative.

       Pakistan faced severely economic crisis at the time of independence due to unjustified division of resources. Comment.

       Recognize the administrative problems faced by Pakistan at the time of independence and the ways they were handled by the officials responsible at that time.

       Name the princely states that became part of Pakistan and their reactions towards merger.

       Analyze the long-term impacts of the problems caused to Pakistan due to unfair distribution of military assets at the time of Independence.

       Boundary Commission and Radcliffe Award were not justified decisions. Evaluate the impacts on Pakistan and India.

       Locate on map the areas included in Pakistan at the time of Independence (including princely states as well)

        Analyze the reasons for Canal Water Dispute, its impact on both countries.

       Suggest the alternate possible solutions in your opinion.

       Criticize the implementation of Indus Water Basin Treaty and its impacts on the economy and agriculture of Pakistan.

       Quaid e Azam     was a great leader, a seasoned politician, an expert barrister, and a visionary Governor General. Evaluate the statement in light of his addresses and speeches made at different points in time with people of different walks of life.  Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       Discuss the long-term effects of the initial problems / challenges faced by Pakistan and the way they have impeded the development of Pakistan.



Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussions on boundary Commission.

       Debates on success of Pakistan in overcoming the initial problems.

       Written response in form of short questions given as classwork / homework on the topic of problems faced by Pakistan at time of its emergence.

       Verbal responses during different activities / lessons


Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions from all the objectives.

       Evaluative Questions:

o   Lack of trained staff created a lot of problems after independence. Comment.

o   India and Pakistan were concerned about winning then accession of the various princely states. Analysis the reasons.

o   The refugee crisis was the greatest problem that Jinnah faced in governing Pakistan after Independence. Support with reasons/ examples.

o   For the following points write the cause of dispute and the action taken by Pakistan or India to solve the dispute:

         Kashmir issue

         Financial and Military Assets

         State of Junagarh

         Canal water


Learning Activities:


     Class Presentation: Divide the problems faced by Pakistan at the time of Emergence into five groups and assign them to five groups of students. Students will prepare their presentation on the assigned topic. Related pictures can be gathered from internet.

     Newspaper Report:

Students in pairs will write a newspaper report on Radcliffe Award. Report will also include the reaction of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims on this Award.


       Develop a display graffiti / board in the class. Display an outline map of Pakistan in a bigger size in the middle of the board. With the help of text and figures / images different problems can be represented on the board. Encourage students to add on their opinion regarding the impact of those problems on that map alongside the problem mentioned.


       MUN: An MUN activity can be planned for resolving the Indus water Treaty.


       Quiad’s Parade: Assign students to collect the addresses made by Quaid e Azam on different occasions and present them in front of class. All these addresses / speeches can be made part of the graffiti board after presentation and discussion.


























Standard: Political Development of Pakistan



Political development of Pakistan 


Students should be able to understand the developments made by different leaders in different political regimes under Pakistani leadership from 1947 to 1988 and relate it with the future prospects of the country.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Appreciate the services of Quaid e Azam as the first Governor General and Liaqat Ali Khan as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.

       Critically analyze the ruling periods of the following political parties and leaders:

       Democratic governments between 1947 to 1958

       Ayub Khan’s Era (1958 - 69)

       Yahya’s Regime (1969 - 71)

       Bhutto’s Era (1971 - 77)

       Zia’s rule (1977 - 88)

       Movement for Restoration of Democracy




       Quaid e Azam’s role as the first Governor General of Pakistan

       Liaqat Ali Khan’s services as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan

       Democratic governments between 1947 to 1958

       Martial Law of 1958

       Ayyub Khan’ era.

       Yahya’s reign

       Bhutto’s era

       Zia’s rule

       Restoration of Civil rule




       Explain the salient features of Objective Resolution of 1949.

       Appreciate the services of Liaqat Ali Khan as first Prime minister of Pakistan.

       Interpret the political evolution in country after Quaid’s death till the Ayyub Khan’s Martial Law.

       Explain the causes of Martial Law promulgated in 1958.

       Analyze Ayyub Khan’s era of rule in country (1958 - 69)

       Comment on strengths and weaknesses of the BD system – Basic Democracies Order promulgated by Ayyub Khan.

       Analyze the economic progress in Ayyub’s era.

       Comment on the Presidential General Elections – January 1965.

       Analyze the causes and impacts of Indo-Pak war of 1965.

       Evaluate Yahya’s reign (1969 - 71) in terms of political development of the country.

       Analyze the causes and impacts of the separation of West Pakistan.

       Explain the main aspects of the economic reforms introduced during 1971-1977.

       Evaluate the impact of nationalization on education, industry, commerce and trade.

       Martial Law of 1977 imposed by General Zia ul Haq was an inevitable step for the restoration of peace in country. Justify the statement.

       Comment on the Islamization process during 1977 – 88.

       Evaluate the impacts of Afghan Jihad on World and on Pakistan. 

       Critically analyze the reasons for dismissing Junejo as Prime Minister by Zia considering Geneva Talks as one of the major causes of discord.

       Develop an account on restoration of Civil Government in 1988 after Zia’s death.


Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on performance of different political rules / eras.

     Class Activities on different languages.

     Written response in form of classwork / homework.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     Quiz sessions in classroom about different eras of political parties.

Summative Assessments:

     MCQs on salient features of different constitutions of Pakistan.

     Evaluative Questions - For example:

o  Evaluate Ayyub’s era in terms of land reforms, political restructuring, and economic development.

o  Identify the causes that created differences in East and West Pakistan.

o  Yahya’s rule was just for two years however, he tried making it a successful period in terms of development of the country. Comment.

o  Afghan Jihad had far reached impacts on Pakistan. Justify

Learning Activities:

       Draft of Objective Resolution.

Teacher will provide the draft of Objective Resolution to the students. After discussing the points of draft, teacher will generate the discussion on it. Following websites can be consulted for this purpose.

       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Objectives_Resolution

       http://www.pakistani.org/pakistan /constitution/annex.html


       Display of Political Regimes: Students can be assigned different political eras of Pakistan’s politics. They can then display the reforms they undertook, argue the impact on common people and economy, debate on the success and failures, reflect their reviews about other political parties and even can dress up like their leaders. This will give all students a quick comparison of all the parties.


       Display / graffiti board in the class.

Classroom display boards can be allocated to different groups of students where they can display the different political eras, reforms they undertook, their success and reasons for failures. Pictures and text both can be displayed for the presentation as well as revision of topics on routine basis. This would be a live board where students will keep on adding things as they move on learning new topics. 























Theme: Environment of Pakistan

Standard: Natural Vegetation and forests of Pakistan 


Natural Vegetation and Forests of Pakistan


Students should be able to identify the vegetation cover and forests present in Pakistan, their location on map, their importance for environment, for economy, industry, for raw material and for tourism.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Annotate the forests of Pakistan on map.

       Distinguish between the productive and protection forests of Pakistan.

     Identify different types of forests in Pakistan.

     Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of irrigated plantations in Pakistan.

       Identify the different factors affecting the different types of forests.

     Discuss the survival of Mangrove Trees in salt water.

     Differentiate between deforestation and afforestation.

     Critically analyse the causes for deforestation in Pakistan.

     Infer the effects of deforestation.

     Evaluate case studies to support your point of view.

     Suggest sustainable solutions to deforestation.

     Evaluate case studies to support your point of view.

    Relate the aftereffects of deforestation with global warming, floods, weather changes and changing patterns of rains and storms.

    Afforestation is the need of hour to meet the challenges. Comment.


       Location of natural vegetation of Pakistan.

       Understanding of types of forests in Pakistan.

        Discuss afforestation and deforestation.

       Relate global warming, floods and droughts with forests.


Students will:

       Define forests and natural vegetation.

       Compare productive and protective forest.

       Analyze Mangrove forests of Pakistan.

       Differentiate between afforestation and deforestation.

       Evaluate the effects of afforestation and deforestation of environment and economy of people.

Formative Assessments:

     Class Debates on role of forests in maintaining healthy atmosphere and managing environment.

     Written response on questions related to mangrove forests in form of classwork / homework. Question will focus on location and distribution of mangrove, their adaption to their environment and their importance for environment as well as economic importance.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     Quiz sessions in classrooms about the factors affecting forests.

Summative Assessment:

    Short questions on factors affecting forests and importance of forests.

    Evaluative Questions - For example:

o  Coniferous forests grow in northern regions of country. Relate this fact with the climatic factor.

o  Mangrove forest are important for the economy of coastal areas. Justify.

o  Forests play very important role in keeping the climate temperate of the region. Prove with the help of examples.

o  Deforestation is the major reason for flooding and drought both. Explain with the help of examples.


Learning Activities:

       Use Google Earth to identify the forests and natural vegetation of Pakistan.

       On blank outline map of Pakistan, mark the protective and productive forests of Pakistan.

       Draw a pie chart to show the area under forest in all provinces of Pakistan.

       Class presentation on the irrigated plantation of Pakistan. Comment on their distribution, area, importance, and salient features. This presentation can be given as individual work or as group work.


Standard: Environmental Hazards and natural disasters


Environmental Hazards and natural disasters


Students should be able to understand the concept of global warming and its effects on our environment. Students will also explore about natural hazards like floods, droughts and pollution and relate them with global warming and human activities.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Define and elaborate global warming.

       Identify causes and effects of global warming.

       Develop link between global warming and climate change.

       Case study regarding snowstorm in Nathiagali last year.

       Suggest ways to reduce climate changes and global warming.

       Comment on the location of Pakistan with reference to the fault lines and earthquakes in Pakistan.

       Justify that global warming and erosion has resulted in floods in Pakistan.

       Identify natural and human reasons for floods.

       Suggest sustainable measures to reduce floods.

       Appreciate some of the benefits of floods.

       Carry out research on the case study regarding recent floods in Pakistan.

       Assess Pakistan as one of the countries severely affected by climate change, and natural disasters (Case Study- Floods due to Monsoon, earthquakes due to the movement of tectonic plates)

       Identify the scale and frequency of extreme weather spells in the past 20 years.

       Comment on the role of global warming in increasing drought conditions in many places of Pakistan.

       Distinguish between human and natural reasons for droughts in Pakistan.

       Elaborate the effects of droughts on physical as well as human environment.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to reduce droughts and manage the effects of droughts.

       Water Shortage and Global warming is closely linked. Justify.

       Agricultural and industrial development are main contributors in fresh water and ocean water pollution. Elaborate.


       Understand about global warming and its effects on environment.

       Develop link between global warming floods, droughts and climatic changes.

       Discuss floods and their pros and cons.

       Understand sources of water pollution in oceans and rivers.


Students will:

       Define global warming.

       Identify causes and effects of global warming on environment of Pakistan.

       Relate global warming with climatic changes and flooding or drought.

       Evaluate Pakistan’s weather in terms of changes due to global warming. 

       Identify human reasons for flooding, droughts and climatic changes.

       Analyze different case studies to develop their opinion and draw conclusions.

Formative Assessments:

       Short questions on uses of forests.

       Poster competition on effects of global warming.

       Class presentations can be assessed if given with rubrics and criterion.

       Quiz competition about global warming.

       Project work on flooding Quiz sessions in classrooms about the factors affecting forests.



Summative Assessment:


     Evaluative Questions   For example:

o   How would you prove global warming in recent years?

o   Can you justify the statement; climate change is causing global warming?

o   What could be the consequences of global warming if not addressed?

o   Suggest some ways to prevent global warming.

o   Define Global Warming and its causes.

o   Analyze the relationship between Global Warming and Climate Change

o   Determining the gravity of the problem if not taken seriously.

o   Suggest ways to reduce the impact and damage of these hazards.


Learning Activities:

       Use weather charts and climatic maps to show main areas where major climatic changes are occurring. Maps from survey of Pakistan can be used. Below given link has few examples of presentations that teacher can share with students to show.

       https://www.slideshare.net/ search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search from=header&q=climate+of+pakistan+

       An article having maps of climate zone and changing climate can be read at the below given link:

       https://www.pmd.gov.pk/rnd/ rnd_files/vol8_issue17/4.pdf

       Collaborate online with at least one school in another Climatic zone of Pakistan or the world.  Support students to make safe e-pals to discuss opportunities and challenges regarding the climate of the region. Exchange their notes with rest of the students in the class.

       Provide weblinks of weather channel, videos, useful website and reading material to the students to run a campaign ‘Save Pakistan’!

       Raise awareness by practically demonstrating how to deal with natural disasters. (Earthquake, flood)

       Launch awareness programs to deal with natural disasters for the public. Students can design posters to do so.

       Project work on flooding and drought: teacher to divide the students in groups. Few groups will work on flooding and few on droughts. On each topic, students will be asked to prepare physical model, banners to spread awareness, prepare presentation, write poems, and hold an art competition. An easy writing competition can be planned as well.

       Same plan can be designed for save water project as well.








Theme: Resources and Economic development of Pakistan

Standard: Water, Mineral and Power Resources


Water, Mineral and Power Resources


Students should be able

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Annotate the eastern and western tributaries of River Indus and rivers of Baluchistan on outline map of Pakistan.

       Appreciate the importance of river for the people of that country.

     Identify domestic and industrial uses of water.

     Discuss the irrigation system of Pakistan.

     Elaborate the need of irrigation system.

     Comment on the supportive factors that lead to the development of canal irrigation system in Pakistan. 

     Compare different conventional and modern irrigation systems.

      Enlist the dams of Pakistan and annotate them on the map.

     Justify smaller dams are more beneficial than large dams by commenting on their advantages and disadvantages.

       Siltation in dams has always been an issue to keep reservoirs functional to fullest capacity. Elaborate the causes, effects and ways of management of silt in dams.

       Discuss the barrages in Pakistan and their impact on agriculture of Pakistan.

     Suggest sustainable solutions to water resource management in order to deal with threatening issues of water pollution and water shortage.

     Discuss the scope of mining industry in economic development of Pakistan.

     Enlist the important minerals found in Pakistan and their uses for economic development.

     Elaborate the problems of mining industry and suggest solutions to deal them for better development of mining industry.

     Identify the effects of mining on the environment and measures for environmental protection.

       Classify the renewable and non-renewable energy resources of Pakistan.

       Identify the different types of coal present in Pakistan.

       Discuss the uses of coal as a source of power for Pakistan. 

     Compare the uses of coal and petroleum as source of power for industrial and economic development.

     Nuclear energy as a great alternative resource for power. Compare its advantages and disadvantages.

     Enlist all the alternative energy resources to deal with the energy crisis.

     Compare hydroelectric and solar power.

       Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of developing wind power.

       Discuss the potential of developing geothermal and tidal power in Pakistan.

     Compare the advantages and disadvantages of biogas and biomass as a power resource.


       Learn about eastern and western tributaries of Indus River system.

       Understand the irrigation system of Pakistan.

       Discuss the canal system in Pakistan.

       Explore the small and big dams in Pakistan.

       Learn about water management system.

       learn about mining industry in Pakistan.

       Understand about the renewable energy resources and explore the potential of alternative energy resources.


Students will:

       Mark tributaries of rivers in Pakistan.

       Discuss uses and importance of rivers.

       Identify the components and uses of irrigation system.

       Compare different types of irrigation system.

       Differentiate between small and large dams.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to water shortage issues.

       Classify different types of energy resources.

       Compare different types of energy resources.

       Evaluate different types of alternative energy resources by comparing their advantages and disadvantages.

Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on performance of different political rules / eras.

     Class Activities on different languages.

     Written response on uses of water in form of classwork / homework.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms about irrigation system of Pakistan.




Summative Assessment:


     Short questions about advantages and disadvantages of dams.

     Long questions including evaluative questions:

o  Suggest measures to deal with the challenges of water shortage.

o  Building smaller dams is better as de-siltation of big dams cost huge amounts.

o  Minerals found in Pakistan are not beneficial as extraction cost is greater than the cost benefit of mineral one can expect. Give your opinion.

     Short questions

o  Enlist the types of coals mined in Pakistan.

o  Analyze the challenges faced by the industries due to energy resource crisis.

o  Evaluate nuclear power as an alternative energy resource.

o  Compare solar and hydroelectric power sources in terms of effect on environment.


Learning Activities:

       Use survey of Pakistan maps or google maps for identification of rivers in Pakistan. Also help students in identifying canals, dams, headworks and barrages during the same activity and relate them all as important sources of water.

       Class presentations: teacher can assign class presentation in groups. Different topics will be assigned to different groups, for example: domestic use of water, industrial use of water, irrigation system of Pakistan, dams of Pakistan.

       Debate competition: Students can be assigned topics of small dams and big dams to prepare speech in favour of their topic and points against others topic.

       Use a google map to mark the mining sites of Pakistan.

       Presentation on coal and petroleum focusing on their uses, mining and oil extraction, fields where coal and oil are present, harms caused to environment by burning, amount of energy produced and effect on industries with regards to usage and efficiency.

       Class Presentations:

             Divide students into 7 groups and assign each group a topic as listed below:

o   Solar energy

o   Biomass energy

o   Biogas energy

o   Geothermal energy

o   Tidal energy





Standard: Population Growth and Structure


Population Structure and Growth


Creating awareness about the Demographic structure of Pakistan. Identifying, discussing and analyzing the demographic statistics of Pakistan.

Students will be able to:

       Define population, population structure, and population growth and population density.

       Understand demographic changes (both age and gender) represented by demographic transition model and population pyramids in Pakistan.

       Assess the impact of current and projected population patterns on Pakistan's economy and development.

       Interpret statistics showing birth, death and natural population growth rates in Pakistan and identify trends in population growth.

       Recognize the social, religious, educational, economic and political factors that contribute to population growth over time.

       Explain the main causes of population movements, including rural-to- urban migration, seasonal migration, emigration and migration (including refugees), with reference to 'push' and 'pull' factors.

       Suggest some measures to control the ever-growing population rate.

       Understand sustainable population growth and resources.

       Recommend sustainable population growth strategies which are helpful for the development of Pakistan.

       Analyze the development problems posed by population growth.

       Recognize differences in population distribution and density between provinces with reference to geographic and human factors.

       Identify and compare the population densities in different parts of Pakistan and relate factors regarding their distribution.

       Evaluate the efforts that have been made for sustainable population growth in Pakistan.

       Discuss the factors affecting distribution and density of population in Pakistan.

       Justify that migration plays an important role in population distribution.

       Elaborate the problems that rise form the rural-urban migrations.

       Compare the causes of rural urban migrations and seasonal migrations.


       Determine population, population density.

       Classification of death rate, birth rate, population growth.

       Understand and describe the Demographic Transition Model.

       Understand and describe age pyramids.

       Identify and describe the causes of population growth.

       Identify and describe the effects of population growth on the economy and development of


       Identify and explain the types of migrations.

       Explain migration with push and pull factors.

       Recognize and understand urbanization.

       Describe and classify the problems caused by urbanization.

       Propose some solutions for urbanization.

       Identify and explain the causes of uneven distribution of population in Pakistan.

       Distinguish and classify population densities according to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Explain and relate population distribution to physical, economic, social and political factors.


       Analytically explain the reasons for high population density.

       Interpret through analytical data to infer how high population growth leads to recent advances in agriculture and health care.

       Interpret and infer the population growth trends over the period of time.

       Analyze and evaluate the social, educational, economic and political factors of population growth.

       Design a proposed plan to provide means for sustainable population growth and population control.

       Evaluate through justified reasoning how a healthy and skilled population is the most important resource for a country.

       Analyze and elucidate the outcome of migration.

       Assess the pros and cons of migration for Pakistani society and economy.

       Infer the gravity of the intense problems arising through urbanization.

       Suggest ways to prevent urbanization for sustainable development in Pakistan.

       Evaluate with reasoning that the uneven distribution of population divergence in Pakistan results in intense problems.

       Suggest how healthy population distribution can be achieved in relation to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Classify the physical and human factors responsible for population distribution.


Formative Assessment: Asses the written responses on:

       Describe and identify different nomenclature related to population.

       Analyze and evaluate the causes and effects of population growth in Pakistan.

       Study migrations in respect to pull and push factors.

       Identify and compare the population densities in different parts of Pakistan and relate factors regarding this.

       Recommend sustainable population growth which is helpful for the development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs from causes of migrations

       Short questions on development problems posed by the population growth.

       long questions including evaluative questions:

o   Define the following: Population, Population density, Population Growth, Death Rate and Birth Rate.

o   How would you evaluate the causes of the high population growth in Pakistan?

o   What are the various Pull and Push factors responsible for migrations?

o   Can you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Urbanization?

o   Suggest some ways to achieve sustainable population growth in Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Study and understand the Age pyramid and its dynamics.

       Study and analyze the data tables and graphs.

       Extracting specific data from a complex table or graph.

       Analyzing data from the Statistical Bureau of Pakistan.


Class presentations

Different groups of students can prepare presentations on the following sub topics:

       types of migrations. One group of students can present on the rural – Urban Migration and other can work on seasonal migrations.

       Sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by the population distribution.

       Causes of varied population distribution.

       Suggestions or measures to stop or slow down the rural urban migratiosn.



Standard: Agriculture and fisheries


Standard: Agricultura and fisheries

Benchmark: Assessing the importance of Primary, Processing and Tertiary sector of Employment in the Economic Development of Pakistan. Recognizing the importance of Natural Resources by suggesting efforts to achieve sustainability.

Students’ Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

       Define agriculture and its types.

       Differentiating between Subsistence farming and Cash crop farming

       Understand Agriculture as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Classify the Food and cash crops of country and annotate the areas where they are cultivated mainly.

       Study the food and cash crops of Pakistan. (Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and oil seeds, millets, corn, pulses)

       Compare the contrast the geographical and weather requirements of cotton and wheat crop.

       Recognize the role of modern agricultural methods and technology.

       Study the reasons for the low productivity of agriculture produce in Pakistan.

       Importance and scope of Agriculture for the development of Pakistan

       Discuss agriculture as the main occupations of Pakistan with reference to Primary, Processing and Tertiary sectors of Employment.

       Assess current situation of agriculture in Pakistan and its impact on economy of Pakistan.

       Identify the hurdles for developing Pakistan as a strong Agrarian Country.

       Suggest ways to improve agricultural output for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Study the modern agricultural techniques being used in the world.

       Evaluate the environmental damage caused by intensive agricultural techniques.

       Study the threat of the global food shortage.

       Evaluate the scope of organic farming in Pakistan.

       Elaborate the three types of subsistence livestock farming being practiced in Pakistan.

       Discuss subsistence livestock farming as a system of input-process -output.

       Evaluate commercial farming as a system of input-process and output farming.

       Highlight the importance of livestock farming for the economy of the country.

       Identify the main livestock resource in Pakistan.

       Identify the problems of livestock industry in Pakistan.

       Suggest some sustainable solutions for the development strategy of the livestock farming in Pakistan. 

       Evaluate fishing industry as one of the potential industries for the economic development of Pakistan. 

       Differentiate between subsistence fishing and commercial fishing.

       Compare and contrast the scope of economic growth of marine fishing, inland fishing and farm fishing.

       Identify the main types of fish catch in commercial marine fishing.

       Analyze the problems faced during the fish marketing.

       Highlight the expected socio-economic benefits of developing fish farming.

       Discuss the problems of the fishing industry.

       Suggest solutions for the sustainable fisheries in the country.

       Comment on the role of CPEC in the development of fisheries.


       Define agriculture and its types.

       Differentiate between Subsistence farming and Cash crop farming.

       Study Agriculture as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Classify and study the food and cash crops of Pakistan with reference to human and physical factors. (Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and oil seeds, millets, corn, pulses)

       Discuss the trends of intensification of food production activities since the 1960s along with effects of use of irrigation and chemicals on water and soil quality.

       Discuss the factors affecting the food production: physical, economic, political, technological advances

       Identify the variation of food production in different parts of Pakistan.

       Relate the importance of Agriculture as an important factor to produce employment in Pakistan.

       Identify and describe salinity and waterlogging as major problems faced by agriculture in Pakistan.

       Explore fisheries as an important economic resource of Pakistan.

       Compare inland and marine fishing.

       Discuss the problems faced by fishing industry.

       Suggest measures for sustainable growth of fisheries.


       Analyze and describe types of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Organize agriculture as a system of input, process and output in tabular form.

       Explore the importance of food and cash crops for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Describe and differentiate various crops being cultivated in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the scope of these crops for the development of Pakistan.

       Analyze and predict the past and future trends of crop production in Pakistan.

       Comparatively analyzing the intensification of food production activities since 1960 with that of the recent existing timeline,

       Explore and elucidate the factors affecting the intensity of food production: physical, economic, political, technological advances.

       Analyze the impact of the use of modern irrigation and industrial chemicals on water and soil quality.

       Suggest ways to develop agriculture on a scientific and sustainable base in Pakistan keeping in view the population trends and future needs.

       Identify and relate the causative factors responsible for varied crop production in different parts of Pakistan. (Physical and Human factors).

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Identify the primary, secondary and tertiary sector of employment related to agriculture.

       Suggest ways to cope with waterlogging and salinity in Pakistan.

       Identify the challenges faced by the fishing industry in Pakistan.

       Suggest ways to develop fishing industry.


Formative Assessment: Assess verbal and written response about:

       Study agriculture and types of agriculture.

       Describe agriculture as a system.

       Evaluate the importance of agriculture for the development of Pakistan.

       Suggest ways to sustainable agriculture and coping with food shortage threats in future.

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

Short questions

       What are the different types of Agriculture?

       How would you differentiate between subsistent and commercial farming?

       Why do you think Pakistan is a suitable country for agriculture?

       Do you think intensive agriculture is causing environmental damage?

       Why there is a threat of global food shortage in future?

       Suggest some ways for the sustainable development of Agriculture in Pakistan

Learning Activities

       Related maps to show main areas where major (cash and staple) crops are grown.

       Pictures, videos etc. to explain types and methods of agriculture. 

       Collaborate face to face or (if possible) online with at least one school in rural areas of Pakistan and have a question answer session with the students (and their families) to find out the challenges they face in terms of agriculture production, their sale and distribution.

       Organize field trips to arable farms for in depth learning and observation.

       Divide the class into two large groups to collect some information about cash and staple crops. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting.

       Use diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit like methods to evaluate agricultural projects to develop their understanding.

       Techniques like SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat) analysis to guide students to construct arguments and provide evidence for assessing students’ understanding problems and challenges faced by agriculture industry.

       Collaboration techniques e.g., face to face or (if possible) synchronous or asynchronous collaboration (Google slides/docs) with at least one more school of Pakistan/ World to help students exchange notes on opportunities, challenges and threats they face in agriculture in terms of climatic and economic aspects.

       All the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. prior to group work to facilitate students to understand the unit in terms of food, recreation, economic activities, and power production.

       Use pictures, magazines, books and videos etc. to explain the importance of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Use PowerPoint presentations, diagrams and videos to explain types of farming in Pakistan.

       Provide resource material e.g. articles, web links, ideas and assistance in creating Vlogs and awareness posters

       Use diagrams, graphs or PPTs to explain and discuss different aspects of the unit like risk factors and ways of improving agriculture. 

Project Work:

       A group of students to prepare a complete project on Gawadar which may include, model of beach / jetty, port, and other associated facilities there. Showing nearby population, road network and air strip/ airport as well. Help of google maps can be taken for this. Other group can present the economy of the area particularly focusing on the change in patterns after completion of Gwadar port. Similarly, another group can highlight the challenges and effects on weather due to development. 















Standard: Industry and Employment



Theme: Culture of Pakistan

Standard A: Society and Culture of Pakistan



Students will have better understanding of society and culture of Pakistan


Students are able to understand the pluralistic nature of Pakistani society and culture, and the concept of unity in diverse society, keeping in view various regions and provinces in Pakistan. It will also enable them to explore the components of society and the way they have developed over the period of time.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Define the term Culture, society and cultural diversity.

     Identify different components of culture (language, dresses, art and craft, music and festivals)

     Analyze the role of languages in developing national integration and unity.

     Discuss different provisional and local languages spoken across the country.

     Differentiate between language and dialect

     Trace out the development of Urdu and other languages in Pakistan

     Identify the major dialects in different areas of Pakistan

     Identify the various forms of Pakistani literature.

     State the salient features of Pakistani literature.

     Discuss the importance of folklore in Pakistani literature.

     Trace the origin and development of Drama in Pakistan society.



       Concept of cultures

       Components of culture

       National and regional languages

       Literature and folklore

       Drama in Pakistan


Students will:

       Define culture and enlist the main characteristics of culture.

       Recognize components of Culture.

       Identify major characteristics and social problems of Pakistani Society.

       Trace the history of art, festivals and folklore in Pakistan.

       Develop an account of regional languages spoken in Pakistan.

       Comment Urdu as a national language is very important for national integration.

       Discuss role Urdu language as an important agent in Pakistan Movement.  

       Differentiate between language and Dialect.

       Discuss the major dialects spoken in Pakistan.

       Discuss some of the famous folklores of Pakistan.

       Appreciate different forms of literature in our society.

       Develop an account of some famous writers and poets of Pakistan.

       Evaluate role of national poets and writers in awaken Muslims of subcontinent for a separate nation.

       Comment on some famous festivals celebrated in Pakistan, including religious festivals, cultural festivals, regional festivals, festivals of minorities and international festivals.

       Trace the development of Drama / Performing art in Pakistan.


Formative Assessments:


       Class Discussion on culture and society of Pakistan

       Class Activities on different languages.

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

Summative Assessments:


       Multiple choice questions

       Fill in the blanks.

       True / False

       Quiz competition

       Short questions

       Evaluative questions:

o   Comment on the importance of national language by discussing its role in Pakistan movement and role in development of country after partition.

o   Muslim poets and writers played very important role in political awakening during Pakistan Movement. Justify with the help of examples.



Learning Activities:


       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Pakistan

       Cultural Display: Students can be assigned different cultures and they can present it by displaying dress, household items, cuisines, artifacts, embroideries and other components of culture. This display can be planned at some event like Parent teachers meeting day, open day or at an exhibition day. 

       Display board in the class. Classroom display boards can be allocated place to different group of students where they can display their items and artifacts related to their assigned cultures.

       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about language of different regions, regional folklores, regional literature, poets, writers, dramas and cultural monuments.



Standard B: National Integration and Cohesion. 



Human Rights and National Integration


Students will be able to have cognizance of the conceptual understanding of human rights as well as its present state. They will also be able to develop a sense of belonging to the land and commitment to democracy and human life. Role of Minorities will also be discussed to acknowledge their contributions in development of country

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Differentiate between rights and responsibilities.

     Explain the basic features of the concept of human rights.

     Examine the Islamic perspective of Human Right.

     Enumerate the major clauses of UN declaration of Human Rights, 1948

     Analyze the fundamental Rights in 1973 Constitution.

     Critically analyze the state of basic human rights in Pakistan. Particularly focusing on education, health and poverty.

     Trace the role of minorities in Pakistan with specific reference to Quaid-i-Azam’s Speech of 11th August 1947, defining their status.


       Rights and responsibilities of a citizen.

       Islamic Perspective of rights of a citizen.

       UN declaration of Human Right 1948

       Human rights as per 1973 Constitution

       Status of human rights in Pakistan

        Human rights and minorities


Students will be able to:

       Differentiate between rights and obligations of a citizen.

       Evaluate the role of an individual in a society / welfare state like Pakistan.

       Discuss the Islamic concept of Human rights and relate it with the concept of a welfare state in Islam.

       Reflect on the 30 clauses of Human Rights in UN declaration of 1948.

       Explore the clauses of 1973 Constitution related to Basic Human Rights.

       Examine the status of basic human rights in Pakistan focusing particularly on health and education sector.

        Critically evaluate the role of education in poverty alleviation.

       Analyze the importance of self-sufficiency in food as a basic human right as well as important for a development of state.

       Religious freedom is an important human right, comment and evaluate in light of minorities in Pakistan. 

       Discuss Quaid’s speech of 11th August 1947 with reference to role of minorities in development of country.

Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of Human rights

       Class presentations on UN declaration of Human Right and human right clauses in Constitution of 1973. 

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions

       Fill in the blanks.

       True / False

       Quiz competition

       Short questions

       Evaluative questions:

o   Compare and contrast the basic human rights declared in UN declaration and 1973 Constitution.

o   Out of 30 rights declared in UN declaration, identify the five most important in your opinion.


Learning Activities:

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf

o   https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/30_basic_human_rights_list_english.pdf

o   https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.


       Display board in the class. A comparison can be made on the board between UN declaration of Human rights and Clauses of Human rights in Constitution of 1973.


       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about UN declaration of Human Rights.


       Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against of Role of minorities in development of country.


Standard C: Recreation - Sports and Tourism


Recreation - Sports and Tourism


Students will be able to develop an understanding of importance of recreational activities particularly with reference to sports and tourism. Students will be able to identify the challenges faced by tourism industry in Pakistan and give sustainable solutions for its development.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Define recreation and interpret its importance in society for common people.

       Enlist some common recreational activities in Pakistani society.

       Define and highlight the importance of sports in Pakistani society.

       Discuss the status of National and International Sports (Hockey, Cricket, Football, Lawn tennis and Polo) in Pakistan.

       Analyze the importance of Tourism as an industry in Pakistan.

       Identify and mark the important historical and other sites of tourist attraction in Pakistan on a map.

       Identify the problems faced by tourism industry in Pakistan.

       Suggest sustainable ways and means to solve the problems and present solutions to promote tourism in Pakistan.


       Recreation and its importance in society

       Recreational activities in Pakistan

       Sports – an important recreational activity

       National, international and traditional sports

       Status of Pakistan in International Sports

       Tourism – an emerging industry as well as an important recreational activity

       Important tourist places in Pakistan

       Challenges faced by tourism industry.

       Sustainable solutions / suggestions for development of tourism in Pakistan 


Students will:

       Define recreation and recreational activities.

       Identify some recreational activities.

       Discuss the importance and need of recreational activities for society.

       Distinguish some important traditional and international recreational activities.

       Describe the importance of sports activities for people / society.

       Recognize some of the important sports activities at international and national levels.

       Comment on some indigenous and traditional games in Pakistan.

       Highlight status of Pakistan in International sports

       Explore the challenges faced by the Pakistani players in different sports activities.

       Suggest suitable solutions to the problems faced by the players.

       Suggest some sustainable measures for the promotion of different sports activities in Pakistan.

       Evaluate tourism as an important industry for developing countries like Pakistan.

       Justify that Pakistan has a lot of potential for tourism owing to the presence of its majestic mountain ranges, deep gorges and valleys, fertile green plains, gushing rivers, beautiful deserts and virgin beaches at coastline.

       Identify the historical tourism sites present in Pakistan.

       Recognize the challenges faced by tourism industry particularly focusing on the role of government and efforts carried out by the society at their own.

       Justify that the efforts for the development of tourism have brought in climatic problems and environmental hazards.

       Suggest some sustainable environment friendly solutions for the development of tourism industry.


Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of sports activities / tourism.

       Class presentation on different tourist activities / sports activities

       Verbal / Written response in form of classwork / homework or during different activities.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

       Warm up or brainstorming sessions and wrap up activities like exit slips

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions

       Fill in the blanks.

       True / False

       Quiz competition

       Short questions

       Evaluative questions - some examples can be:

o   Reflect on history of development of cricket in Pakistan.

o   Hockey has been an important sports and national game of Pakistan. Comment.

o   State any three steps to be taken to develop the tourism industry in the coastal regions of Pakistan.

o   Justify that tourism can change the fate of the region.

Learning Activities:

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge.

       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.

       Develop a working / live board in the class. A blank outline map of Pakistan can be placed in the middle of the board. Teachers need to assign different tourist attraction places to students and ask them to bring pictures and facts related to that place which can be pinned on to the board over the map. In this way many tourist places can be placed, and students can have an idea of their location as well.

       Playing different sports: Schools can plan inter-section competitions of different sports including the traditional and indigenous games.

       Video show: Students can be shown different videos related to tourist places or sports activities. Number of videos are available on YouTube as well as on other weblinks.

       Virtual tours: Virtual tours of some tourist places are available online which can be shown to the students either in school or links can be shared to be seen at home. Some sites are as below:

o   https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=virtual+tour+of+pakistan

o   https://www.hd360.pk/VirtualTour_Portfolio.php

o   https://virtualpakistan.pk/


Theme : Constitutional Development of Pakistan


Political and constitutional development of Pakistan after first decade of its emergence till to date


Students should be able to understand the developments made by different leaders in different political regimes under Pakistani leadership and relate it with the future prospects of the country.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Identify the salient features of Objective Resolution

     Identify the reasons for the delay in the development process of national constitution of Pakistan.

       Draw a timeline to reflect constitutional development in Pakistan.

     Outline the salient features of constitution of 1956, 1962 and 1973.

     Compare and contrast the constitutions of 1956 and 1962 particularly with reference to the Islamic features included in both the constitutions.

     Comment on the reasons for the failure of constitution of 1962. 

     Identify the salient features of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.




       Know what the Constitution is.

       Understand Constitutional arrangement till the first Constitution of Pakistan

       Identify the salient features of Objective Resolution

       Discuss the significance and impact of Objectives Resolution in the constitutional development of Pakistan.

       Identify the reasons for the delay in the development process of the national constitution of Pakistan.

       Draw a timeline to reflect the constitutional development in Pakistan.

       Explain important terminology of the Constitution

       Outline the salient features of the Constitution of 1956, 1962, and 1973.

       Compare and contrast the constitutions of 1956 and 1962, particularly with reference to the Islamic features included in both constitutions.

       Comment on the reasons for the failure of the constitution of 1962. 

       Identify the salient features of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.

       Enlist important rights and responsibilities of citizens





       Explain the salient features of Objective Resolution of 1949.

       Draw a timeline to reflect constitutional development in Pakistan.

       State the major features of 1956 Constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan.

       Comment on the important articles of Constitution of 1956. 

       Identify the reasons for the delay in the development process of constitution.

       Discuss the salient features of 1962 and 1973 Constitutions of Pakistan.

       Compare and contrast the Islamic provisions of 1962 and 1973 constitutions of Pakistan.

       Comment on the reasons of the failure of 1962 Constitution.

       Analyze the need of the Constitution after separation of East Pakistan

       Make a list of the important human rights mentioned in the 1973 Constitution

       Appreciate minorities rights mentioned in the 1973 Constitution

       Point out Articles related to Education in the 1973 Constitution

       Understand important amendments in the 1973 Constitution 



Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on performance of different political rules / eras.

     Class Activities on different languages.

     Written response in form of classwork / homework.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     Quiz sessions in classroom about different eras of political parties.

Summative Assessments:

     MCQs on salient features of different constitutions of Pakistan.

     Evaluative Questions - For example:

o  Evaluate 1973 Constitution in terms of parliamentary democracy and human rights.

o  Identify the political figures who played key role in developing and promulgating the 1973 Constitution

Learning Activities:

       Draft of Objective Resolution.

Teacher will provide the draft of Objective Resolution to the students. After discussing the points of draft, teacher will generate the discussion on it. Following websites can be consulted for this purpose.

       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Objectives_Resolution

       http://www.pakistani.org/pakistan /constitution/annex.html


       Display of Important Aspects of 1973 Constitution: Students can be assigned different themes of the 1973 Constitution. They can then display the important articles, amendments, argue the impact on people of Pakistan, and debate on the implementation of these Articles in present day. This will give all students a quick review of the Constitution 1973.


       Display / graffiti board in the class.

Classroom display boards can be allocated to different groups of students where they can display important themes of three Constitutions: 1956, 1962 and 1973.


Theme: Citizenship


Standard A: Democracy and Rule of Law


Standard: Students will understand and demonstrate different aspects of citizenship such as voluntary work, democratic process, justice and equality, rule of law, appreciation of diversity, digital citizenship, critical media literacy, conflict resolution, peace and sustainable development. 



Students will be able to have cognizance of the conceptual understanding of citizenship, voluntary work, democratic process, justice and equality, and rule of law.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Define the term citizen.

       Explain the role of citizenship.

        Explain why it is important for a citizen to participate in community services and voluntary work.

       Analyze the traits of a good citizen.

       Determine the modes of acquiring and losing citizenship. (Immigration, emigration, marriages)

       Understand the democratic process in Pakistan.

       Understand the basics of parliamentary democracy.

       Explain the power of government, the role of citizens and Parliament in holding government to account.

       Know about the different roles of the executive, legislature and judiciary.

       Understand the importance of free press.

       Understand the importance of justice and equality for a prosperous country.

       Explain that rule of law is the basic tenet of a democratic state.

       Identify the ways to improve rule of law situation in Pakistan.


       Rights and responsibilities of a citizen.

       Islamic Perspective of rights of a citizen.

       UN declaration of Human Right 1948

       Human rights as per 1973 Constitution

       Status of human rights in Pakistan

        Human rights and minorities


Students will be able to:

       Differentiate between rights and obligations of a citizen.

       Evaluate the role of an individual in a society / welfare state like Pakistan.

       Discuss the Islamic concept of Human rights and relate it with the concept of a welfare state in Islam.

       Reflect on the 30 clauses of Human Rights in UN declaration of 1948.

       Explore the clauses of 1973 Constitution related to Basic Human Rights.

       Examine the status of basic human rights in Pakistan focusing particularly on health and education sector.

        Critically evaluate the role of education in poverty alleviation.

       Analyze the importance of self-sufficiency in food as a basic human right as well as important for a development of state.

       Religious freedom is an important human right, comment and evaluate in light of minorities in Pakistan. 

       Discuss Quaid’s speech of 11th August 1947 with reference to role of minorities in development of country.

Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of Human rights

       Class presentations on UN declaration of Human Right and human right clauses in Constitution of 1973. 

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions

       Fill in the blanks.

       True / False

       Quiz competition

       Short questions

       Evaluative questions:

o   Compare and contrast the basic human rights declared in UN declaration and 1973 Constitution.

o   Out of 30 rights declared in UN declaration, identify the five most important in your opinion.


Learning Activities:

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf

o   https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/30_basic_human_rights_list_english.pdf

o   https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.


       Display board in the class. A comparison can be made on the board between UN declaration of Human rights and Clauses of Human rights in Constitution of 1973.


       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about UN declaration of Human Rights.


       Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against of Role of minorities in development of country.


Standard B: National Integration and Cohesion. 



Human Rights and National Integration


Students will be able to have cognizance of the conceptual understanding of human rights as well as its present state. They will also be able to develop a sense of belonging to the land and commitment to democracy and human life. Role of Minorities will also be discussed to acknowledge their contributions in development of country

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

     Differentiate between rights and responsibilities.

     Explain the basic features of the concept of human rights.

     Examine the Islamic perspective of Human Right.

     Enumerate the major clauses of UN declaration of Human Rights, 1948

     Analyze the fundamental Rights in 1973 Constitution.

     Critically analyze the state of basic human rights in Pakistan. Particularly focusing on education, health and poverty.

     Trace the role of minorities in Pakistan with specific reference to Quaid-i-Azam’s Speech of 11th August 1947, defining their status.


       Rights and responsibilities of a citizen.

       Islamic Perspective of rights of a citizen.

       UN declaration of Human Right 1948

       Human rights as per 1973 Constitution

       Status of human rights in Pakistan

        Human rights and minorities


Students will be able to:

       Differentiate between rights and obligations of a citizen.

       Evaluate the role of an individual in a society / welfare state like Pakistan.

       Discuss the Islamic concept of Human rights and relate it with the concept of a welfare state in Islam.

       Reflect on the 30 clauses of Human Rights in UN declaration of 1948.

       Explore the clauses of 1973 Constitution related to Basic Human Rights.

       Examine the status of basic human rights in Pakistan focusing particularly on health and education sector.

        Critically evaluate the role of education in poverty alleviation.

       Analyze the importance of self-sufficiency in food as a basic human right as well as important for a development of state.

       Religious freedom is an important human right, comment and evaluate in light of minorities in Pakistan. 

       Discuss Quaid’s speech of 11th August 1947 with reference to role of minorities in development of country.

Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of Human rights

       Class presentations on UN declaration of Human Right and human right clauses in Constitution of 1973. 

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions

       Fill in the blanks.

       True / False

       Quiz competition

       Short questions

       Evaluative questions:

o   Compare and contrast the basic human rights declared in UN declaration and 1973 Constitution.

o   Out of 30 rights declared in UN declaration, identify the five most important in your opinion.


Learning Activities:

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf

o   https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/30_basic_human_rights_list_english.pdf

o   https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.


       Display board in the class. A comparison can be made on the board between UN declaration of Human rights and Clauses of Human rights in Constitution of 1973.


       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about UN declaration of Human Rights.


       Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against of Role of minorities in development of country.


Domain: Geography of Pakistan:

Standard: Location of Pakistan

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the location of Pakistan and its importance

Students will:

       Identify Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N, longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on Pakistan’s map

       Annotate Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map

       Annotate Pakistan’s neighboring countries on the map.

       Identify the importance of Pakistan's cardinal position/location in relation to bordering countries.


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan

       Locate neighboring countries, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map.

       Comprehend the commercial and tourist potential of Pakistan due to its unique geographical location.


       Study the relationship of latitudes and longitudes on temperature and time zone respectively. (Google  Map /Mobile apps)

       Label or mark the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Label or mark Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.

       Analyze and evaluate the importance of Pakistan's location for trade and development.

       Analytically Elucidate and design a plan or ways in which Pakistan's geographical location could be used to its economic advantage. (tourism, CPEC and trade etc.)


Formative Assessment

       Identify the important latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan?

       Label the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Correlate how Pakistan’s location facilitates trade and tourism for economic uplifting.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       Identify the longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on the map of Pakistan.

       Identify the latitudes Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N on the map of Pakistan.

       Locate the neighboring countries and Arabian Sea on the map of Pakistan.

       How would you relate the location with the economic and tourism development of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Use a range of sources such as Google maps, satellite images, photographs, diagrams, GPS, GIS, newspaper articles, thematic maps to derive information of physical, human and environmental aspects of the unit ‘Location of Pakistan’ to guide students and facilitate learning.

       Use diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit like annotation on map to develop their understanding.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions.

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding of the location of Pakistan.



Standard: Location of Pakistan

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the location of Pakistan and its importance

Students will:

       Identify Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N, longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on Pakistan’s map

       Annotate Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map

       Annotate Pakistan’s neighboring countries on the map.

       Identify the importance of Pakistan's cardinal position/location in relation to bordering countries.


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan

       Locate neighboring countries, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map.

       Comprehend the commercial and tourist potential of Pakistan due to its unique geographical location.


       Study the relationship of latitudes and longitudes on temperature and time zone respectively. (Google  Map /Mobile apps)

       Label or mark the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Label or mark Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.

       Analyze and evaluate the importance of Pakistan's location for trade and development.

       Analytically Elucidate and design a plan or ways in which Pakistan's geographical location could be used to its economic advantage. (tourism, CPEC and trade etc.)


Formative Assessment

       Identify the important latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan?

       Label the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Correlate how Pakistan’s location facilitates trade and tourism for economic uplifting.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       Identify the longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on the map of Pakistan.

       Identify the latitudes Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N on the map of Pakistan.

       Locate the neighboring countries and Arabian Sea on the map of Pakistan.

       How would you relate the location with the economic and tourism development of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Use a range of sources such as Google maps, satellite images, photographs, diagrams, GPS, GIS, newspaper articles, thematic maps to derive information of physical, human and environmental aspects of the unit ‘Location of Pakistan’ to guide students and facilitate learning.

       Use diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit like annotation on map to develop their understanding.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions.

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding of the location of Pakistan.



Standard: The Natural Topography  

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the Topographical division of Pakistan    

Students will:

       Name these  Landforms:

       MOUNTAINS: Hindu Kush Mountains, Karakorum Mountains, Himalaya Mountains)

       PLATEAUS: Potohar plateau (salt range) and Balochistan Plateau

       PLAINS: The Upper Indus Plain- and Lower Indus Plain

       DESERTS: Thar, Thal, Kharan

       RIVERS: Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej

       Use geographical vocabulary when describing the features of mountains, plateaus, plains and deserts.


       Identify, list, label and explain the different landforms in Pakistan.        

       Explain and relate the differences between mountains of Northeastern and Western ranges of Pakistan.

       Compare and explain Potohar and Balochistan plateaus. 

       Distinguish between the upper and lower plains of the Indus.

       Identify and explain the features of the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Describe and explain the coastal regions of Pakistan.

       Use proper nomenclature and vocabulary based on physical geography.

       Identify and explain the influence of the physical environment on human activities         


       Evaluating the diversity of natural topography helps Pakistan to develop sustainably.

       Analyze, differentiate and compare the mountain ranges of the Northeastern, Northwestern and Western Pakistan.

       Analyze and design a development plan for Potohar and the Balochistan plateau.

       Analyze and infer the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

       Distinguish the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Evaluate the significance of the coastal region of Pakistan.

       Classify different types of physical terrain according to location, climate, vegetation, etc.

       Critically evaluate and infer the influence of various physical factors on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area.


Formative Assessment

       Highlight the position and territorial location of  the occurrence of different landforms in Pakistan.( Recap)

       Rank and assemble the differentiating features of the mountain ranges of the Northeastern, Northwestern and Western Pakistan.

       Compile and integrate the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

       Comparatively analyze the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Enumerate by highlighting the important aspects demonstrating the importance of the coastal regions of Pakistan.

       Validate through analytical reasoning how the physical factors mediate the influence on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area. ( H/Written)

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       How would you differentiate the Northern and Western mountains in Pakistan?

       Can you identify the contrasts between Potohar and Balochistan Plateau?

       Why do you think the upper Indus Plain is different from Lower Indus plain?

       What are the major differences between the coastal region and the rest of Pakistan?

       How do you think Physical and Geographic factors influence various topographic regions of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Use related maps, or Google maps, or GIS to explain the location of rivers, plain, deserts and mountains of Pakistan

       Collaborate face to face or online with at least one school in any other terrain/region  (people living near rivers, mountains or on plains) of Pakistan and have interactive sessions with the students to share their notes on biodiversity, economy and lifestyle.

       Divide the class into three or four groups to collect the information about each type of terrain. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting.

       Diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects related to economic activities of the selected terrain by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions.

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding of the natural topography of Pakistan.


Standard: Climate

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the Climatic division of Pakistan

Students will:

       Differentiate between weather and climate.

       Identify the Climatic elements.

       Specify the distribution of temperature and precipitation, including monsoons, cyclones(Western Depressions) and convectional rain in Pakistan

       Distinguish between  seasonal and regional variations and factors such as recessions, thunderstorms, and hurricanes

       Discuss what drives winds that cause rainfall in Pakistan.

       Analyze the characteristics of arid, semi-arid, humid, and highland climates, including seasonal changes.

       Infer the effects of longitude and latitude on day length and temperature.

       Evaluate the effects of different climatic zones (highlands, low land, coastal and deserts) of Pakistan on human activity.


       Identify, list, label and explain various climatic factors in Pakistan, including precipitation, wind, temperature and air pressure.

       Discuss and compare the roles of latitude, altitude, sea distance and precipitation in the climate of an area.

       Comprehend how latitude and longitude affects the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Interpret extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Explain and relate the causes and effects of drought and floods in Pakistan.

       Describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate the effects of climate on the lives of People.



       Analyze, compare and contrast the climatic factors in Pakistan including rainfall, wind, temperature and pressure using maps and graphs.

       Apply and analyze the influence of altitude and longitude on the climate zones and time zone of Pakistan respectively.

       Analyze the impact of Altitude, Latitude and Longitude on the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate, elucidate and infer the effects of extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan

       Compare the lifestyle, economic and   human activities in different climatic zones of Pakistan.

       Design sustainable development plans for different climate zones of Pakistan to handle extreme climatic conditions (floods and droughts).


Formative Assessment

       Differentiate between weather and climate.

       Identify the Climatic Factors.

       Describe rainfall due to Summer Monsoon, Western Depression and Convectional Currents.

       The effect of Latitudes and Longitudes on Temperature, Air Pressure and Rainfall in Pakistan.

       Study recent Floods and Droughts in Pakistan.

       Identify the causes and consequences of Floods and Droughts.

       Climatic Regions of Pakistan and effects on human lives.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       How would you differentiate between Weather and Climate?

       What is the role of various climatic factors on the Climate of an area?

       Describe the following: Summer Monsoon, Western Depressions and Convectional Rainfalls

       How would you relate longitudes and latitudes with the climate of an area?

       Describe the causes of the following natural disasters: Floods and Droughts.

       Can you suggest ways to prevent and reduce the damage caused by floods and droughts?

       How would you describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan?

       Can you relate the lifestyles of people living in different climatic regions of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Use Maps, GIS and Google maps to help students identify different climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Use a range of sources such as Google maps, satellite images, photographs, diagrams, GPS, GIS, newspaper articles, climatic maps to derive information about global warming, climate change, and its effects on Pakistan.

       Asynchronous collaboration (Padlet Wall) to help students exchange notes on challenges caused by climate change and people’s adaptability to climate change in terms of their lifestyle and economy etc.

       Provide all the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. to facilitate students to understand the climate of Pakistan.

       Diagrams, Maps or a PPTs to explain different aspects of the unit like effects of climate change on economic activity, food supply and lifestyle to develop their understanding.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative study and projects by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions.

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding of the climate of Pakistan.


Standard: Global Warming, Climate Change & Natural Disasters

Benchmark: Identifying, discussing and analyzing the impact of global warming, climate change and natural disasters

Students will:

       Understand global warming.

       Identify causes and effects of global warming.

       Develop link between global warming and climate change.

       Identify the scale and frequency of extreme weather spells in the past 20 years.

       Assess Pakistan as one of the  countries severely affected by climate change, and natural disasters (Case Study- Floods due to Monsoon, earthquakes due to the movement of tectonic plates)

       Suggest ways to reduce climate changes and global warming.


       Define global warming and climate change.

       Categorize the causes of global warming and climate change.

       Identify and understand why Pakistan is among the countries at risk of global warming and climate change.

       Link and explain the causes and effects of global warming on the environment and human activities.

       Describe the frequency and extent of recent and previous natural disasters.

       Identify and relate natural disasters and their effects on populations.


       Investigate the factors responsible for global warming and climate change.

       Analyze and evaluate the effects of global warming and climate change.

       Outline and analyze the wider impact of global warming and climate change in the future.

       Analytically explain by reasoning why Pakistan is at high risk of global warming and climate change.

       Compute the analytical data and interpret to propose different ways to prevent global warming and climate change.

       Design a plan and analyze the significant role of Disaster Management in handling the outbreak of natural Disasters (e.g. school evacuation plan).


Formative Assessment

       Identifying Global Warming and its causes.

       Analyze the relationship between Global Warming and Climate Change

       Determining the gravity of the problem if not taken seriously.

       Suggest ways to reduce the impact and damage of these hazards.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       How would you prove global warming in recent years?

       Can you justify the statement; climate change is causing global warming?

       What could be the consequences of global warming if not addressed?

       Suggest some ways to prevent global warming?

Learning Activities

       Case study regarding recent floods in Pakistan.

       Case study regarding snow storm in Nathiagali last year.

       Use a range of sources such as videos, images, photographs, newspaper articles, to derive information about types of disasters and their effects.

       Show students photographs/ videos of areas affected by natural disasters.  Ask them to discuss the impacts on life in general (lifestyle, economy, weather, environment, flora and fauna) in pairs/ groups.

       All the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. to enable students to understand the unit.

       Facilitate group work by providing the students some extra reading material, web-links, rubrics etc. or by answering their questions.

       Use weather charts and climatic maps to show main areas where major climatic changes are occurring.

       Use pictures, videos etc. to explain the consequences of climate change.

       Collaborate online with at least one school in another Climatic zone of Pakistan or the world.  Support students to make safe e-pals to discuss opportunities and challenges regarding the climate of the region. Exchange their notes with rest of the students in the class.

       Provide weblinks of weather channel, videos, useful website and reading material to the students to run a campaign ‘Save Pakistan’!

       Raise awareness by practically demonstrating how to deal with natural disasters.(Earthquake, flood)

       Launch awareness programmes to deal with natural disasters for the general public.

       Demonstrate her (teacher’s) knowledge to build students’ understanding of the unit.


Standard: Population Structure and Growth


Creating awareness about the Demographic structure of Pakistan.

Identifying, discussing and analyzing the demographic statistics of Pakistan.

Create a link between different charters of Human Rights.



Students will:

       Define population, population structure, and population growth and population density.

       Understand demographic changes (both age and gender) represented by demographic transition model and  population pyramids in Pakistan

       Assess the impact of current and projected population patterns on Pakistan's economy and development.

       Interpret statistics showing birth, death and natural population growth rates in Pakistan and identify trends in population growth.

       Recognize the social, religious, educational, economic and political factors that contribute to population growth over time.

       Explain the main causes of population movements, including rural-to- urban migration, seasonal migration, emigration and migration (including refugees), with reference to 'push' and 'pull' factors.

       Analyze the development problems posed by population growth.

       Recognize differences in population distribution and density between provinces with reference to geographic and human factors.

       Understand sustainable population growth and resources.


       Determine population, population density.

       Classification of death rate, birth rate, population growth.

       Understand and describe the Demographic Transition Model.

       Understand and describe age pyramids

       Identify and describe the causes of population growth

       Identify and describe the effects of population growth on the economy and development of


       Identify and explain the types of migrations.

       Explain migration with push and pull factors.

       Recognize and understand urbanization.

       Describe and classify the problems caused by urbanization.

       Propose some solutions for urbanization

       Identify and explain the causes of uneven distribution of population in Pakistan.

       Distinguish and classify population densities according to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Explain and relate population distribution to physical, economic, social and political factors.


       Analytically explain the reasons for high population density.

       Interpret through analytical data to infer how high population growth leads to recent advances in agriculture and health care.

       Interpret and infer the population growth trends over the period of time.

       Analyze and evaluate the social, educational, economic and political factors of population growth.

       Design a proposed plan to provide means for sustainable population growth and population control.

       Evaluate through justified reasoning how a healthy and skilled population is the most important resource for a country.

       Analyze and elucidate the outcome of migration.

       Assess the pros and cons of migration for Pakistani society and economy.

       Infer the gravity of the intense problems arising through urbanization.

       Suggest ways to prevent urbanization for sustainable development in Pakistan.

       Evaluate with reasoning that the uneven distribution of population divergence in Pakistan results in intense problems.

       Suggest how healthy population distribution can be achieved in relation to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Classify the physical and human factors responsible for population distribution.


Formative Assessment

       Describe and identify different nomenclature related to population.

       Analyze and evaluate the causes and effects of population growth in Pakistan.

       Study migrations in respect to pull and push factors.

       Identify and compare the population densities in different parts of Pakistan and relate factors regarding this.

       Recommend sustainable population growth which is helpful for the development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

       Studying Graphs, Tables and identifying specific data.

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       Define the following: Population, Population density, Population Growth, Death Rate and Birth Rate.

       How would you evaluate the causes of the high population growth in Pakistan?

       What are the various Pull and Push factors responsible for migrations?

       Can you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Urbanization?

       Suggest some ways to achieve sustainable population growth in Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Study and understand the Age pyramid and its dynamics.

       Study and analyze the data tables and graphs.

       Extracting specific data from a complex table or graph.

       Analyzing data from the Statistical Bureau of Pakistan.



Standard: Agricultural Economy

Benchmark: Assessing the importance of Primary, Processing and Tertiary sector of Employment in the Economic

Development of Pakistan.

Recognizing the importance of Natural Resources by suggesting efforts to achieve sustainability.

Students will:

       Define agriculture and its types.

       Differentiating between Subsistence farming and Cash crop farming.

       Understand Agriculture as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Study the food and cash crops of Pakistan. (Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and oil seeds, millets, corn, pulses)

       Recognize the role of modern agricultural methods and technology.

       Importance and scope of Agriculture for the development of Pakistan.

       Discuss agriculture as the main occupations of Pakistan with reference to Primary, Processing and Tertiary sectors of Employment. (Translate skill and knowledge)

       Assess current situation of agriculture in Pakistan and its impact on economy of Pakistan

       Identify the hurdles for developing Pakistan as a strong Agrarian Country.

       Suggest ways to improve agricultural output for the sustainable development of Pakistan.



       Define agriculture and its types.

       Differentiate between Subsistence farming and Cash crop farming.

       Study Agriculture as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Classify and study the food and cash crops of Pakistan with reference to human and physical factors. (Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and oil seeds, millets, corn, pulses)

       Discuss the trends of intensification of food production activities since the 1960s along with effects of use of irrigation and chemicals on water and soil quality.

       Discuss the factors affecting the food production : physical, economic, political, technological advances

       Identify the variation of food production in different parts of Pakistan.

       Relate the importance of Agriculture as an important factor to produce employment in Pakistan.

       Identify and describe salinity and waterlogging as major problems faced by agriculture in Pakistan.


       Analyze and describe types of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Organize agriculture as a system of input, process and output in tabular form.

       Explore the importance of food and cash crops for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Describe and differentiate various crops being cultivated in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the scope of these crops for the development of Pakistan.

       Analyze and predict the past and future trends of crop production in Pakistan.

       Comparatively analyzing the intensification of food production activities since 1960 with that of the recent existing timeline,

       Explore and elucidate the factors affecting the intensity of food production : physical, economic, political, technological advances

       Analyze the impact of the use of modern irrigation and industrial chemicals on water and soil quality .

       Suggest ways to develop agriculture on a scientific and sustainable base in Pakistan keeping in view the population trends and future needs.

       Identify and relate the causative factors responsible for varied crop production in different parts of Pakistan. (Physical and Human factors).

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Identify the primary, secondary and tertiary sector of employment related to agriculture.

       Suggest ways to cope with waterlogging and salinity in Pakistan.


Formative Assessment

       Study agriculture and types of agriculture.

       Describe agriculture as a system.

       Evaluate the importance of agriculture for the development of Pakistan.

       Suggest ways to sustainable agriculture and coping with food shortage threats in future.

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

       Studying Graphs, Tables and identifying specific data.

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       What are the different types of Agriculture?

       How would you differentiate between subsistence and commercial farming?

       Why do you think Pakistan is a suitable country for agriculture?

       Do you think intensive agriculture is causing environmental damage?

       Why is there a threat of global food shortage in future?

       Suggest some ways for the sustainable development of Agriculture in Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Study and analyze the data tables and graphs.

       Extracting specific data from a complex table or graph.

       Related maps to show main areas where major (cash and staple) crops are grown.

       Pictures, videos etc. to explain types and methods of agriculture. 

       Collaborate face to face or (if possible) online with at least one school in rural areas of Pakistan and have a question answer session with the students (and their families) to find out the challenges they face in terms of agriculture production, their sale and distribution.

       Organize field trips to arable farms for in depth learning and observation.

       Divide the class into two large groups to collect some information about cash and staple crops. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting.

       Diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit like methods to evaluate agricultural projects to develop their understanding.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects related to economic activities linked with agriculture by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions.

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding to use water resources wisely.

       Techniques like SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat) analysis to guide students to construct arguments and provide evidence for assessing students’ understanding of the unit especially in relation to economic activity and uplift.

       Collaboration techniques e.g. face to face or (if possible) synchronous or asynchronous collaboration ( Google slides/docs) with at least one more school of Pakistan/ World to help students exchange notes on opportunities, challenges and threats they face in terms of climatic and economic aspects.

       All the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. prior to group work to facilitate students to understand the unit in terms of food, recreation, economic activities, and power production

       Use pictures, magazines, books and videos etc. to explain the importance of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Use PowerPoint presentations, diagrams and videos to explain types of farming in Pakistan.

       Provide resource material e.g. articles, web links, ideas and assistance in creating Vlogs and awareness posters.

       Use diagrams, graphs or PPTs to explain and discuss different aspects of the unit like risk factors and ways of improving agriculture. 

       Demonstrate her knowledge to build students’ understanding of the unit.




 Employment and Industry

Benchmark: Generating discussion about the Main occupations of Pakistan with reference to Primary, Processing and Tertiary sectors of Employment.

Generating discussion about use of nuclear energy for sustainable industrial development

Students will:

       Define and identify the terms primary, secondary and tertiary occupations.

       Identify the percentage of the workforce employed in each of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors keeping the recent changes in view. (graphs)

       Describe the causes of changes in these percentages that may have occurred or are likely to occur.

       Explain the causes of rural and urban unemployment and underemployment

       Analyze  impact of the development problems caused by underemployment and unemployment on a micro and macro level (personal and social scale Case Study)

       Recognize the importance of manual laborers and skilled workforce (trading, administrative, technical, etc.) in generating GNP.

       Understand that unemployment and underemployment can be factors affecting GNP and GDP.

       Evaluate the importance of literacy, education and training of men and women in rural and urban areas for the overall development (social, economic, infrastructure etc.)of Pakistan.



       Identify and describe employment, unemployment, underemployment, disguised unemployment

       List and discuss job classifications for primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

       Describe the factors that determine the distribution of occupations and jobs.

       Identify and describe the importance of literacy, education and training to the development of Pakistan.

       Distinguish between skilled and unskilled labor in Pakistan.

       Describe the role of skilled labor in the development of a country.

Student will:

       Decipher and analyze the role of employment in a country's development.

       Depict and analytically explain the importance of different sectors/ industries) in the future development of Pakistan.

       Comparatively analyze the relationship between literacy, education and training for better employment opportunities in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the role of skilled labor in the development of a country.

       Explore the causes of unemployment in Pakistan and propose solutions.

       Elucidate and evaluate using evidence why tertiary and quaternary employment areas (Service Industry) are most important in a changing world.


Formative Assessment

       Define and distinguish between different types of employment and unemployment.

       Identify the factors affecting employment and unemployment.

       Determining the importance of literacy and technical training to cater unemployment.

       Predict the role of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in the development of a country.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       How would you differentiate between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary employment?

       Can you identify the recent changes in various employment sectors?

       Why do you think education and training are important for the development of skilled human resource in Pakistan?

       Can you describe quaternary employment sector and its importance in the future?

Learning Activities

       Study tables and data regarding employment and unemployment statistics from the given sources.

       Analyze and evaluate the statistics and predict the future situation.

       Plan and predict the growing population and job seekers get more and better jobs.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects related to employment and industry and its value for sustainable development by providing them the extra reading material or by enabling them using the internet or by answering their questions. 



Standard: Foreign Policy of Pakistan

Benchmark: : Study Foreign Policy and External Relations of Pakistan

Generating awareness about the main characteristics of Pakistan’s Foreign policy

Students will:

       Define policy and foreign policy.

       Study Pakistan’s Foreign Policy.

       Recognize the importance of foreign policy.

       Identify the guiding principles of Pakistan’s foreign policy. https://www.pakistanembassy.gr/foreign-policy

       Identify geopolitical significance of Pakistan and the main Objectives of the foreign Policy.

       Study the relationships of Pakistan with the Neighboring Countries.

       CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor)

       Study the significance of Pakistan Relationships with the Super powers, Central Asian, SAARC, EU, UN and OIC States

       Analyze Pakistan’s Role in World Peace Keeping in general and with Afghanistan in particular (Pak-Afghan relation)

       Relate the impact of Kashmir Conflict (past, Present and Future prospects) with Pakistan’s relations with India.


       Identify foreign policy and describe Pakistan’s foreign policy.

       Describe the importance of material and moral support of oppressed and suppressed people/Nations in the world.

       Identify the Geopolitical importance of the location of Pakistan.

       Relate the location of Pakistan with the importance of international relations.

       Describe CPEC and foreign relations of Pakistan with China, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

       State Pakistan’s Relationships with the Super powers, Central Asian, SAARC, EU, UN and OIC States.

       Indicate the importance of friendly and peaceful relationship policy in the world.

       Describe Pakistan’s Role in the Peace Keeping process.

       Study the role of Pakistan in peace in Afghanistan.

       Associate the impact of Kashmir Conflict (past, Present and Future prospects) with Pakistan’s relations with India.


       Associate the foreign policy of a country to international relations.

       Analyze to what extent Pakistan is successful in supporting the less privileged people/nations in the world.

       Analyze the importance of CPEC and its foreign relations with the sister countries.

       Evaluate the significance of Pakistan Relationships with the Super powers, Central Asian, SAARC, EU, UN and OIC States.

       Analyze the friendly and peace efforts of Pakistan in recent years.

       Gauge Pakistan’s Role in the World Peace Keeping process.

       Evaluate the role of Pakistan in peacekeeping in Afghanistan.

       Rationalize the impact of Kashmir Conflict (Future prospects) on Pakistan’s relations with India.


Formative Assessment

       Identify and define the importance of foreign policy.

       Describe the salient features of the foreign policy of Pakistan.

       Relate foreign policy with international relations in the world.

       Study Pakistan relations with different countries of the world.

       Analyze the effects of Pakistan’s foreign policy in coping with different conflicts.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false

       Short questions

       long questions including evaluations

       Why do you think foreign policy is important for a country?

       What do you know about the foreign policy of Pakistan?

       In today’s world Foreign policy and International Relations are very important for a country. Explain the statement.

       How are international relations important for the economic development of Pakistan?

       Do you think foreign policies and international relations are important for coping with different conflicts?

Learning Activities

       Class discussions on a recent development related to foreign policy.

       Kashmir/ Afghanistan related articles from newspapers should be used as a resource.





Curriculum Guidelines

Pakistan Studies Grade 11 – 12

The curriculum mainly aims at equipping the students with the knowledge of our country and providing an insight into the history of the region and struggle for independence so that our citizens are informed decision makers. The curriculum is divided into eight domains: Geography of Pakistan, History of Pakistan, Environment of Pakistan, Resources and economic development in Pakistan, Society and culture of Pakistan, Constitution of Pakistan, Citizenship and Pakistan and International Affairs. The overarching aim of the course is to develop an understanding of interactions between knowledge and understanding of the importance to the people and country of Pakistan of its physical characteristics, human and natural resources, economic development, population characteristics, political development, society and culture and of their inter-relationships.

The physical and human environment of Pakistan is the key to relate, interpret and predict the true potential for the sustainable development of Pakistan. A concept of the physical and Human Geography will enable our students to relate and understand all domains with ease. The syllabus also aims to provide insights into the origins, creation and development of Pakistan, and encourages discussion of issues facing Pakistan. It aims to enable candidate to:

       Acquire knowledge and understanding of the human past.


       Investigate historical events, changes, people and issue.


       Develop understanding of how the past has been represented and interpreted.


       Develop an understanding of the nature and use of historical evidence.


       Organize and communicate knowledge and understanding of history.


       Develop and stimulate an interest and enthusiasm for history and acquire a basis for further historical study.

       Develop an understanding of the nature of cause and consequence, continuity and change and similarity and differences.

       Trace the constitutional Development and contributions made by different political parties in course of time.

       Elaborate the concept of citizenship and its importance in our society. 

       Evaluate relationship of Pakistan with other countries in world and contribution in international organizations.


Themes: Grade  XI

1.                  Geography of Pakistan:

a.       Location of Pakistan

b.      Administrative areas and cities

c.       The natural topography of Pakistan

d.      Climate of Pakistan

2.                  History of Pakistan

a.       Ideology of Pakistan

b.      Struggle and creation of Pakistan

c.       1st decade of newly emergent state.

d.      Political development in Pakistan

3.                  Environment of Pakistan

a.       Forests and natural vegetation

b.      Environmental hazards and natural disasters

4.                  Resources and Economic development of Pakistan

a.       Water, mineral and power resources

b.      Population structure and growth

c.       Agriculture and fisheries

d.      Industry and employment

e.       Trade, transport and telecommunication

Themes: Grade  XII

5.                  Society and cultural diversity in Pakistan

a.       Society and Culture of Pakistan

b.      National integration and cohesion

c.       Recreation – Sports and tourism

6.         Constitution of Pakistan

a.   Constitutional development

b.   Constitutions of Pakistan 1956, 1962, and 1973

c.   Important Terminology of the Constitution

d.   Salient features of 1973 Constitution

7.                Citizenship                 


a.      Citizenship

b.      Rights and responsibilities

                        8.         Pakistan and International Affairs

a.       Foreign policies of Pakistan

b.     Pakistan and International organizations

Assessment objectives

       There will be three Objectives of Assessments: their % percentage details are as below:

Assessment objective


 Recall, select, use and communicate knowledge and understanding


Apply knowledge and understanding of physical and human environments and issues through explanation, analysis and evaluation


Apply skills and interpret a variety of environmental and historical resources/sources





Theme : Geography of Pakistan

Standard: Location of Pakistan

Standard: Location of Pakistan

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the location of Pakistan and its importance in relation to South and Central Asian countries.

Students will:

       Locating Pakistan on the world map and assessing the importance of Pakistan’s location.

       Identify and use Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N), latitudes 30°N, 36°N, longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E highlighting the different areas of Pakistan on the map.

       Annotate Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean with reference to its economic importance.

       The importance of Pakistan's location in relation to countries bordering Pakistan and other countries in South and Central Asia..


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan

       Locate neighboring countries, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea on the map.

       Comprehend the commercial and tourist potential of Pakistan due to its unique geographical location.


       Study the relationship of latitudes and longitudes on temperature and time zone respectively. (Google Map /Mobile apps)

       Label or mark the neighboring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Label or mark Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.

       Analyze and evaluate the importance of Pakistan's location for trade and development.

       Analytically Elucidate and design a plan or ways in which Pakistan's geographical location could be used to its economic advantage. (Tourism, CPEC and trade etc.)


Formative Assessment

       Identify the important latitudes and longitudes on the map of Pakistan.

       Label the neighbouring countries including (India, China, Afghanistan and Iran) on the physical map of Pakistan.

       Write a report to correlate Pakistan’s location facilitates trade and tourism for economic uplifting.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs about:

o   Cardinal points of Pakistan.

o   Neighbouring countries of Pakistan

o   Length of borders with India, China, Iran and Afghanistan.

o   Length of Pakistan’s coastline.

       Map work:

o   Identify the longitudes 64°E, 70°E, and 76°E on the map of Pakistan.

o   Identify the latitudes Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N, latitudes 30°N, 36°N on the map of Pakistan.

o   Locate the neighbouring countries and Arabian Sea on the map of Pakistan.

Learning Activities

       Use Google map or Google Earth to show Pakistan on the globe.

       A physical Globe can be used to locate Pakistan.

       Engage students in independent as well as collaborative research and projects to identify the boundaries of Pakistan with India, Iran, Afghanistan and China.

Standard: Administrative Areas and Cities

Standard: Administrative Areas and Cities

Benchmark: Developing understanding about the Locate provinces, districts and major cities of Pakistan on map.

Student’s Learning Outcomes:

Students will:

       Identify the following on a map. (All Provinces and 5 main Divisions of each province)

       Annotate administrative divisions of Pakistan (Provinces and Districts)

       Annotate the following major cities on the map of Pakistan: Islamabad, Murree, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Sialkot, Peshawar, Chitral, Gilgit, Hyderabad, Karachi, Quetta and Gwadar.


       Identification of different latitudes and longitudes for different cities on the map of Pakistan

       Understand the location of major cities in relation to each other and other physical features.

       Know the divisions and administrative set up of provinces. 


       Annotation on map by marking major cities.

       Identification of cities with reference to rivers and other physical features.

       Mark administrative divisions of provinces in the country.

       Identify the hierarchy of geographic administrative setup in the country.


Formative Assessment

       Short questions about different cities, their location, present administrative division, major industry etc.

       Map work can also be assessed.

       Class presentation can be assessed as well.

Summative Assessment

       True or false statements about important cities

       Long questions including evaluations. For example:

o   How would you relate the location with the economic and industrial development of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

        Map work: On blank outline map of Pakistan, ask students to mark provincial boundaries, locate important cities and boundaries of divisions of provinces.

       Research Work/ Presentation. Students will prepare a fact file of different cities in groups. Each group of students can be allocated a specific city. Students will present on the location, importance, population profile and major economic activities of that city






Standard: The Natural Topography

Standard: The Natural Topography  

Benchmark: Describe the Topographical division of Pakistan. Link natural topography of Pakistan with human activity with reference to causes and effects.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Locate the important mountain ranges, deserts, plains and rivers of Pakistan.

       Annotate the important cities located in these areas and highlight the reason for their importance.

       Compare and contrast weather, natural vegetation, economy, drainage, lifestyle and culture of people of these areas.

       Identify name and describe the following major landforms of Pakistan on a map:

       MOUNTAINS (Hindu Kush Mountains, Karakorum Mountains, Himalaya Mountains, Kirthar, Suleiman, Safed Koh, Waziristan hills)

       PLATEAUS: Potohar plateau (salt range) and Balochistan Plateau

       PLAINS: The Upper Indus Plain and Lower Indus Plain

       DESERTS: Thar, Thal, Karan

       RIVERS: Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej, Kabul, Dasht, Hab, Gomal, Kurram

       Use geographical vocabulary when explaining the features of mountains, plateaus, plains and deserts.

       Identify, name and describe the above features in photos or drawings.

       Understanding the impact of natural terrain on human activity (causes and effects): Culture, Food, Dresses etc.

       Economic activities, handicraft, transhumance, agriculture.


       Identify, list, label and explain the different landforms in Pakistan.        

       Explain and relate the differences between mountains of Northeastern and Western ranges of Pakistan.

       Compare and explain Potohar and Balochistan plateaus. 

       Distinguish between the upper and lower plains of the Indus.

       Identify and explain the features of the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Describe and explain the coastal regions of Pakistan.

       Use proper nomenclature and vocabulary based on physical geography.

       Identify and explain the influence of the physical environment on human activities         


       Evaluating the diversity of natural topography helps Pakistan to develop sustainably.

       Analyze, differentiate, and compare the mountain ranges of the Northeastern, Northwestern and Western Pakistan.

       Analyze and design a development plan for Potohar and the Balochistan plateau.

       Analyze and infer the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

       Distinguish the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

       Evaluate the significance of the coastal region of Pakistan.

       Classify different types of physical terrain according to location, climate, vegetation, etc.

       Critically evaluate and infer the influence of various physical factors on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area.


Formative Assessment: 

       Class presentations

       Written and verbal response during class activities.

       Exit slip – muddiest point after the lesson on any day.

Summative Assessment

Evaluative Questions:

      Highlight the position and territorial location of the occurrence of different landforms in Pakistan.

      Rank and assemble the differentiating features of the mountain ranges of the North-eastern, North-western and Western Pakistan.

      Compile and integrate the economic potential of upper and lower Indus plains.

      Comparatively analyse the ways of life and economic prospects in the Thar, Thal and Kharan deserts.

      Enumerate by highlighting the important aspects demonstrating the importance of the coastal regions of Pakistan.

      Validate through analytical reasoning how the physical factors mediate the influence on the lifestyle, economy and development of an area. 

      How would you differentiate the Northern and Western mountains in Pakistan.

      Can you identify the contrasts between Potohar and Balochistan Plateau?

      Why do you think the upper Indus Plain is different from Lower Indus plain?

      What are the major differences between the coastal region and the rest of Pakistan?

      How do you think Physical and Geographic factors influence various topographic regions of Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Cross regional interactions: Interactive session with the students of other countries/ regions to discuss terrain, climate and culture of those areas.

       Group Work: Divide the class into three or four groups to collect the information about each type of terrain. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting. Rubrics and criterion must be shared with the students before allocating group work.

       Draw eastern and western tributaries of River Indus System om outline map of Pakistan. Also highlight the upper Indus and lower Indus Plains on the same map.


       Divide the class into three groups and allocate one desert to each group. Ask students to prepare a power point presentation on their assigned topic. They are expected to include information about the location, area, important cities, culture, resources present, major cities / towns, major economic activity and challenges faced in those areas. Encourage them to include pictures to make their work more presentable and colourful.

       Case study: Assign a group work on Gwadar port. Students in groups will collect information and data on location of Gwadar port, its natural strategic position, importance of its location, impacts of developing port on economy of local people and country and impacts of environment of that region. 




Standard: Climate

Benchmark: Develop understanding about the seasonal and regional variations and their impact on human geography of Pakistan.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Students will be able to

       Differentiate between weather and climate.

       Identify the Climatic variations/ zones within Pakistan.

       Use Maps, GIS and Google maps to identify different climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Identify the variations in temperature and rainfall through maps and graphs.

       Analyze the effects of temperature and precipitation, including monsoons, cyclones (Western Depressions) and convectional rainfall on the lifestyle of people.

       Analyze the effect of arid, semi-arid, humid, and highland climates, on the lives of people in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the seasonal changes in Temperature, Pressure and wind patterns.

       Evaluate the impacts of climate on economy and livelihood:

       Effects of cold, ice and snow on the lives of people on mountains.

       Impact of storms, floods and droughts on agriculture, industry and communications.



       Identify, list, label and explain various climatic factors in Pakistan, including precipitation, wind, temperature and air pressure.

       Discuss and compare the roles of latitude, altitude, sea distance and precipitation in the climate of an area.

       Comprehend how latitude and longitude affects the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Interpret extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Explain and relate the causes and effects of drought and floods in Pakistan.

       Describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate the effects of climate on the lives of People.




       Analyze, compare and contrast the climatic factors in Pakistan including rainfall, wind, temperature and pressure using maps and graphs.

       Apply and analyze the influence of altitude and longitude on the climate zones and time zone of Pakistan respectively.

       Analyze the impact of Altitude, Latitude and Longitude on the day length and seasonal variation in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Evaluate, elucidate and infer the effects of extreme weather conditions (floods and droughts) in different geographical regions of Pakistan.

       Compare the lifestyle, economic and   human activities in different climatic zones of Pakistan.

       Design sustainable development plans for different climate zones of Pakistan to handle extreme climatic conditions (floods and droughts).


Summative Assessment:

Evaluative Questions:

  Differentiate between weather and climate.

  Identify the Climatic Factors.

  Describe rainfall due to Summer Monsoon, Western Depression and Convectional Currents.

  Explain the effect of Latitudes and Longitudes on Temperature, Air Pressure and Rainfall in Pakistan.

  Study recent Floods and Droughts in Pakistan.

  Identify the causes and consequences of Floods and Droughts.

   Identify Climatic Regions of Pakistan and effects on human lives.

Formative Assessment

       Fill in the blanks.

       Short questions

o   How would you differentiate between Weather and Climate?

o   What is the role of various climatic factors on the Climate of an area?

o   Describe the following: Summer Monsoon, Western Depressions and Convectional Rainfalls

o   How would you relate longitudes and latitudes with the climate of an area?

o   Describe the causes of the following natural disasters: Floods and Droughts.

o   Can you suggest ways to prevent and reduce the damage caused by floods and droughts?

o   How would you describe the various climatic regions of Pakistan?

o   Can you relate the lifestyles of people living in different climatic regions of Pakistan

Learning Activities

       Use Maps, GIS and Google maps to help students identify different climatic regions of Pakistan.


       Use a range of sources such as Google maps, satellite images, photographs, diagrams, GPS, GIS, newspaper articles, climatic maps to derive information about global warming, climate change, and its effects on Pakistan.


       Asynchronous collaboration (Padlet Wall) to help students exchange notes on challenges caused by climate change and people’s adaptability to climate change in terms of their lifestyle and economy etc.


       Provide all the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. to facilitate students to understand the climate of Pakistan.

       Group work: Assign students, different climate zones in groups. Each group will work on their assigned zone and collect data / information about the weather patterns, cities, culture, terrain, economic activity and industry of their climatic zone. Rubrics and criterion should be shared with the students for standardized work from all students.










Domain: History and Culture of Pakistan

Standard: Ideological Basis of Pakistan

Standard: Ideological Basis of Pakistan

Benchmark: Developing understanding and importance about the ideological basis of Pakistan and establishing its relationship with guiding principles of Islam. 

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Define and elaborate the ideology of Pakistan.

       Recognize sources and signifies the importance of ideology.

       Discuss the guiding principles of Islamic way of life (justice, equality and brotherhood) that form the basis of Pakistan ideology.

       Relate the basis of Pakistan ideology with particular reference to deprivation of Muslims in India.

       Appreciate the basic components of ideology of Pakistan (sovereignty of Allah, equity and justice, democracy and equal rights for minorities).

       Analyze the Two-nation Theory: Origin and Explications and relate it with the economic and social   deprivations.

       Evaluate of Pakistan as a Modern Islamic state as delineated by Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal and Liaqat Ali Khan


Students will

       State the concept of two nation theory.

       Discuss who presented it and what were the factors behind it.

       Discuss why did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan presented Two Nation Theory. 

       Understand Quaid e Azam’s and Allama Iqbal’s opinion about Two Nation Theory. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Students will:

       Define the term Ideology.

       Enlist the main sources of Pakistan’s Ideology.

       State the main features of Two Nation Theory.

       Comment that Two Nation Theory was important for Muslims of subcontinent.

       Elaborate the problems faced by Muslims of Subcontinent before partition that became the reason for presenting Two Nation Theory.

       Comment on Allama Iqbal’s role in presenting Two Nation Theory. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       Justify Quaid e Azam’s support for Two Nation Theory.                   Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on concept of Two Nation Theory

       Written response in form of classwork / homework.

       Verbal responses during different activities, rapid questioning, short question answer session

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms.

       Entry tickets and Exit slips on short questions about problems faced by the Muslims of Subcontinent.

       Muddiest point at wrap-up of the lesson of Two nation Theory

       1- minutes summary about important leaders who presented Two Nation Theory.

       Debate session / competition on reasons for presenting Two Nation Theory. Some students can speak in favour, or some may go against.



Summative Assessments:

    Quiz competition to assess the topic as a whole.

       Evaluative questions. (For example)

o   Justify that Two Nation Theory became the basis for the creation of Pakistan.

o   Comment on role of Muslim leaders in presenting Two Nation Theory.

o   Evaluate the contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in presenting Two Nation Theory



Learning Activities:



       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   http://notesonpakistan.blogspot.com/2009/08/two-nation-theory.html

o   https://storyofpakistan.com/two-nation-theory-the-myth-the-reality/

o   https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1033923


         Class Presentation: Students can be assigned pair / group presentations on ideology of Pakistan and sources of Ideology. Sharing of rubrics and criterion with students is necessary before they start their work.

       Develop a working / live board in the class. Draw a timeline in the middle of the board and keep on adding the events as the history lessons move on. Encourage students to add on their learnings on this board as they cover the subtopics.


       Role play: A role play can be planned by making two groups, Hindus and Muslims and reflecting the problems created by Hindus for Muslims. Some students can become the leaders and present the Two Nation Theory. 

















Standard: Struggle and Creation of Pakistan:


Struggle and Creation of Pakistan

Benchmark: Students should be able to delineate the struggle for a Muslim State in the subcontinent and familiarize themselves with the genesis and struggle for Pakistan relating it from the downfall of Mughal Empire, role of religious and political leaders, era of British rule and finally with the various phases of political and constitutional developments and impediments in the smooth functioning of democracy

Student’s Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Describe the salient features of Muslim civilization in the subcontinent. And the spread of Islam in the 18th and 19th Century.

       Explain the causes of the downfall of the Muslim rule in the subcontinent.

       Discuss Religious reforms of Shah Waliullah

       Critically analyze the War of independence - its origin, immediate impacts, its long-term impact, reasons for failure and the impacts of war on the Muslims in the subcontinent.

       Evaluate the role of the British with reference to major constitutional, educational and administrative reforms that followed war.

       Evaluate the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as a reformer (education, social and political)

       Criticize his contributions and its impact of Muslims and western world.

       Highlight his relations with the British and ulama.

       Recognize the reason for the foundation of Aligarh College and the Aligarh Movement. Also evaluate the role of Aligarh Movement in the making of Pakistan

       Discuss the origin, aims and main features of Khilafat Movement.

       Analyze the reasons for its rise, objectives, the conferences, and delegation to England and why did the Khilafat movement fail?

       Recognize the role of Ali brothers in Khilafat Movement 

       Analyze the causes, course, and reasons for the failure of Hijra Movement. (1920)

       Compare the impacts of Khilafat and Hijra Movements on Muslims in the subcontinent.

       State the aims and objectives of All India Muslim League and criticize the reasons for its establishment / creation in 1906.

       Outline and critically analyze the important political developments between 1906 - 1937:

       Partition of Bengal controversy (1905 - 11).

       The Simla Deputation (1906).

       Morley-Minto Reforms (1909)

       Congress and Lucknow Pact (1916)

       The Rowlett Act (1918)

       Amritsar Massacre (1919)

       Delhi proposal (1927).

       Simon Commission (1927 - 1930)

       Nehru Report (1928)

       Jinnah’s Fourteen Points (1929)

       Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address- 1930

       Round Table Conferences (1930-32)

       Communal Award (1932) [SLO: PS-11-B-30] Government of India Act 1935

       The second World War (1939 - 45) in relation to India and the Quit India Movement

       Direct Action Day and June 3 plan

       Independence Act of 1947

       Critically analyze the reason why Quaid e Azam presented his famous 14 points in 1929.

       Evaluate the success of three round table conferences of 1930 – 32.

       Identify the reasons for the unpopularity of Congress Rule with Muslims majority.

       Comment on the significance of Congress rule (1937 - 39) for the Pakistan Movement and the Day of Deliverance

       Comment on Redcliffe Commission and Award, 1947

       Outline the genesis and struggle for creation of Pakistan.

       Explain the role of Allama Mohammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for the creation of Pakistan.

       Appreciate the role of successful elections of Muslim League in 1945 - 46 that lead to the changes in British attempts to solve the problems of the subcontinent.


       War of Independence 1857- causes and impacts.

       Contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and its effect on Western world

       Relations of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan with Ullama’s and Britishers

       Aligarh College and Aligarh Movement

       Khilafat Movement

       Political and economic situation in subcontinent and formation of All India Muslim League

       Aims and objectives of All India Muslim League

       Antecedents of Pakistan Resolution.

       Pakistan Resolution 1940

       CR formula and Jinnah – Gandhi talks.

       Simla Conference – 1945

       General Elections 1945 and its impact on creation of Pakistan

       Cripps Offer and Cabinet Mission Plan

       Muslim Legislator’s Convention in light of Lahore Resolution 1940 and Madrasa Amendments

       Interim Government and cause of Pakistan

       Contributions of Muslim Leaders; Quaid e Azam          Allam Iqbal  Ch Rehmat AliArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  DownloadArabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       British Colonialism and its impact on life of people in subcontinent.



Students will be able to:

       Identify the underlying causes of the War of independence in 1857.

       Evaluate the impact of war on Muslims of subcontinent.

       Draw a timeline to show important events in life of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

       Comment on the role of Syed Sir Ahmed Khan as Social, political and education reformer.

       Criticize the contributions of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and their impact on Muslims and Western World.

       Highlight Sir Syed’s relation with Muslim Ulama and comment on the reasons for the conflict.

       Discuss the efforts made by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to improve the British Muslim relations.

       Discuss the objectives of Aligarh Movement

        Some historians say ‘Mohammedan Anglo-oriental College’ was the institution that contributed more than any other in the formation of Pakistan. Justify.

       Identify the reasons for the rise of the Khilafat Movement.

       Draw a timeline to show the events and happenings of the Khilafat Movement as it progresses from establishment till its end.

       Comment on the reasons for the failure of the Khilafat Movement. 

       Compare and contrast the positive and negative impacts of the Khilafat Movement on the people of subcontinent.

       Draw a timeline to reflect political development in subcontinent from Simon Commission 1927 till congress election in 1937, particularly highlighting Nehru Report, Round table conferences, Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address (1930), Communal Award, Rehmat Ali’s Now or Never Concept and Govt of India Act - 1935.

       Discuss the aims and objectives of establishments of All India Muslim League.

       State the political, social and economic conditions of Muslims in subcontinent that led to the formation of All India Muslim League (Partition of Bengal -1905 and Simla Deputation - 1906)

       Appreciate the role of All India Muslim League in the struggle for independence.

       Discuss the significance of Allama Iqbal’s Address of Allahabad 1930.

       Evaluate Quaid e Azam’s 14 points as a response to Nehru Report.

       Critically analyze the rationale behind Quaid’s decision of celebrating of Day of Deliverance and its impact on Muslims as well as Britishs.

       Discuss Pakistan Resolution 1940 in detail reflecting on the important leaders and their contributions in it.

       Cripps Proposal of 1942 was rejected by both Congress and Muslim League. Justify the reasons.

       Analyze the reasons for the failure of Simla Conference 1945.

       Highlight the outcomes of Elections of 1945 /46 and its impact on Muslims as well as non-Muslims of subcontinent.

       Compare and contrast the Cripps’ Offer and Cabinet Mission Plan.

       Discuss the Muslim League Legislator’s Convention in the light of Lahore Resolution and Madras Amendment.

       Comment on the role of interim Government in advancing the cause of Pakistan.

       Appreciate Lord Mountbatten and 3rd June Plan as an important step towards creation of Pakistan.

       Discuss the role of Muslim Leaders (Quaid-i-Azam, Allama Iqbal, and Ch. Rehmat Ali) in making of Pakistan.

       Review the era of British colonialism and its impact on various aspects of life in Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.


Formative Assessments:


       Debates on role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in Pakistan Movement.

       Written response in form of classwork / homework. On impact of War of Independence.

       Verbal responses during different activities.

       MCQs on Khilafat Movement

       Short Questions on antecedents of Pakistan Resolution.

       Quiz competition on Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission Plan, Madras Amendment, and role of interim Government in advancing the cause of Pakistan.

       For and against debate on British Colonialism and its impacts. 



Summative Assessments:


Evaluative Questions – For example:

       Why did Sir Syed Ahmed believe that opposition towards British is pointless.

       Why did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan write “The cause of the Indian Revolt”?

       Quit India Movement was rejected by Congress whereas Muslim League decided to support. Appreciate the decision.



Learning Activities:


       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge.


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it.


       Develop a working / live board in the class. Draw a timeline in the middle of the board and keep on adding the events as the history lessons move on. Encourage students to add on their learnings on this board as they cover the subtopics. Actions which supported Pakistan Movement or were in favour of Muslims can be marked in blue or green colour and could be placed on top of the line, whereas events showing negative impact to Muslim Cause can be placed below the line and in red color.


       Role play: A role play can be planned by making two groups, Hindus and Muslims and reflecting the problems created by Hindus for Muslims. Some students can become the leaders and present any event like Nehru report and 14 Points of Quaid e Azam     . Another example can be set up of Pakistan Resolution Day – different students can take up role of Muslim leaders and can present their point of view. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

















Standard: The first decade of newly emergent state

Standard: The first decade of newly emergent state: Problems faced by the Pakistan in early years 

Benchmark: Students should be able to critically review how successful was the establishment of an independent state between 1947 to 1957 and particularly after the death of Jinnah. Also focus will be developed on Jinnah’s vision and achievements as Governor-General.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Identify the early problems faced by the newly emerged state of Pakistan particularly with emphasis on economic, geo-political, refugee state and administrative problems. Focus will be on the following issues:

o   Unfair boundary division

o   Division of financial and military assets

o   Refugee problems

o   Administrative problems

o   Problem of national language

o   Kashmir issue

o   Canal water Dispute

o   Princely States (Hyderabad, Junagarh)

o   Lack of trained personnel.

       Assess the economic challenges that confronted Pakistan at its birth.

       Discuss the main features, outcomes of the Radcliffe Award and reactions of the Pakistan and Indian governments to it.

       Analyze its impact on Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs.

       Discuss the major features of Boundary Commission, analyze its need and unjustness relating it to the impact on the young state.

        Identify and locate the areas that became the part of the Pakistan as well as neighboring states of Pakistan.

       Discuss the canal Water dispute and how it was dissolved / resolved.

       Suggest the difficulties which Pakistan might have faced if the problem of Canal Water Dispute would not have been solved.

       Criticize the implementation and outcomes of the Indus Water Basin Treaty

       Explain how successful Pakistan was in overcoming the initial problems faced.

       Discuss the role of Mohammad Ali Jinnah as

       An advocate of Hindu- Muslim Unity.

       A member and later President of Muslim league.

       A negotiator with the British.

       A firm believer of Pakistan.

       A first Governor- General of Pakistan

       Discuss the vision of Quaid-e-Azam for the future of Pakistan by reviewing the addresses made by him at different points in time with people of different walks of life.

       Discuss the advice of Quaid-e-Azam to the government officials for national service


       Problems faced by Pakistan at the time of Independence.

       Radcliff Award.

       Boundary Commission.

       Areas included in Pakistan and its neighbors.

       Canal Water Dispute and Indus Water Treaty

       Vision and achievements of Quaid e Azam. Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download


Students will be able to:

       Identify and elaborate the problems faced by newly emergent state of Pakistan at the time of independence.

       Categorized the problems as economic, political, social and administrative.

       Pakistan faced severely economic crisis at the time of independence due to unjustified division of resources. Comment.

       Recognize the administrative problems faced by Pakistan at the time of independence and the ways they were handled by the officials responsible at that time.

       Name the princely states that became part of Pakistan and their reactions towards merger.

       Analyze the long-term impacts of the problems caused to Pakistan due to unfair distribution of military assets at the time of Independence.

       Boundary Commission and Radcliffe Award were not justified decisions. Evaluate the impacts on Pakistan and India.

       Locate on map the areas included in Pakistan at the time of Independence (including princely states as well)

        Analyze the reasons for Canal Water Dispute, its impact on both countries.

       Suggest the alternate possible solutions in your opinion.

       Criticize the implementation of Indus Water Basin Treaty and its impacts on the economy and agriculture of Pakistan.

       Quaid e Azam     was a great leader, a seasoned politician, an expert barrister, and a visionary Governor General. Evaluate the statement in light of his addresses and speeches made at different points in time with people of different walks of life.  Arabic Calligraphy Vector Hd Images, Rahmatullahalehe Arabic Calligraphy  Free Eps And Png, Dars E Quran, Bissmillah, Title PNG Image For Free  Download

       Discuss the long-term effects of the initial problems / challenges faced by Pakistan and the way they have impeded the development of Pakistan.



Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussions on boundary Commission.

       Debates on success of Pakistan in overcoming the initial problems.

       Written response in form of short questions given as classwork / homework on the topic of problems faced by Pakistan at time of its emergence.

       Verbal responses during different activities / lessons


Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions from all the objectives.

       Evaluative Questions:

o   Lack of trained staff created a lot of problems after independence. Comment.

o   India and Pakistan were concerned about winning then accession of the various princely states. Analysis the reasons.

o   The refugee crisis was the greatest problem that Jinnah faced in governing Pakistan after Independence. Support with reasons/ examples.

o   For the following points write the cause of dispute and the action taken by Pakistan or India to solve the dispute:

         Kashmir issue

         Financial and Military Assets

         State of Junagarh

         Canal water


Learning Activities:


     Class Presentation: Divide the problems faced by Pakistan at the time of Emergence into five groups and assign them to five groups of students. Students will prepare their presentation on the assigned topic. Related pictures can be gathered from internet.

     Newspaper Report:

Students in pairs will write a newspaper report on Radcliffe Award. Report will also include the reaction of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims on this Award.


       Develop a display graffiti / board in the class. Display an outline map of Pakistan in a bigger size in the middle of the board. With the help of text and figures / images different problems can be represented on the board. Encourage students to add on their opinion regarding the impact of those problems on that map alongside the problem mentioned.


       MUN: An MUN activity can be planned for resolving the Indus water Treaty.


       Quiad’s Parade: Assign students to collect the addresses made by Quaid e Azam on different occasions and present them in front of class. All these addresses / speeches can be made part of the graffiti board after presentation and discussion.


Standard: Political Development of Pakistan


Political development of Pakistan after first decade of its emergence till to date


Students should be able to understand the developments made by different leaders in different political regimes under Pakistani leadership and relate it with the future prospects of the country.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Critically analyze the ruling periods of the following political parties and leaders:

o   Restoration of democracy (1988 - 99)

o   Pakistan People’s Party Government (1st and 2nd)

o   Pakistan Muslim League (N) governments (1st and 2nd)

o   Pervez Musharraf’s Era. (1999 to 2007)

o   Pakistan People’s Party government (2008 to 2013)

o   Pakistan Muslim League (N) government (2013 to 2018)

o   Pakistan Tehrik e Insaf. (2018 to 2022)

o   Pakistan Democratic Movement (2022-23)  


       Ruling eras of different political leaders and parties and the changes they brought in the country.



       Develop an account on restoration of Civil Government in 1988 after Zia’s death.

       Comment on the Benazir’s and Nawaz Sharif’s first and second tenure of government.  

       Pakistan turns Nuclear in 1998, critically analyze the shift in balance of power in the region after the nuclear tests of Pakistan.

       Analyze the 1st and 2nd tenures of governments of Muslim League -N and Peoples Party.

       Discuss Tehreek e Insaf steps after coming in power as a result of 2018 elections.

       Analyze the rule of PDM government after April 2022

Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on performance of different political rules / eras.

     Class Activities on different languages.

     Written response in form of classwork / homework.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     Quiz sessions in classroom about different eras of political parties.

Summative Assessments:

     MCQs on salient features of the foreign policy of Pakistan in different eras.

     Evaluative Questions - For example:

       Compare the three governments of Pakistan Muslim League (N) with a focus on efforts to promote industrialization.

Learning Activities:

       Display of Political Regimes: Students can be assigned different political eras of Pakistan’s politics. They can then display the reforms they undertook, argue the impact on common people and economy, debate on the success and failures, reflect their reviews about other political parties and even can dress up like their leaders. This will give all students a quick comparison of all the parties.

       Display / graffiti board in the class.

Classroom display boards can be allocated to different groups of students where they can display the different political eras, reforms they undertook, their success and reasons for failures. Pictures and text both can be displayed for the presentation as well as revision of topics on a routine basis. This would be a live board where students will keep on adding things as they move on learning new topics. 




Theme: Environment of Pakistan


Standard: Natural Vegetation and forests of Pakistan 


Natural Vegetation and Forests of Pakistan


Identify the importance of natural vegetation and role of forests for sustainable healthy environment and improved climatic conditions.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Annotate the forests of Pakistan on map.

       State advantages and disadvantages of productive and protection forests of Pakistan.

       Infer benefits and uses of different types of forests in Pakistan.

       Identify the different factors affecting the different types of forests.

       Relate the advantages and disadvantages of irrigated plantations in Pakistan with regards to sustainability and impacts on climate.

       Evaluate the effects of Mangrove forests on climate with reference to Pakistan’s coastal areas.

       Differentiate between deforestation and afforestation.

       Critically analyze the causes for deforestation in Pakistan.

       Infer the effects of deforestation on climate and social lives of people in country.

       Discuss case studies to support your point of view.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to deforestation.

       Relate the aftereffects of deforestation with global warming, floods, weather changes and changing patterns of rains and storms.

       Afforestation is the need of hour to meet the challenges. Comment.



       Location of natural vegetation of Pakistan.

       Understanding of types of forests in Pakistan.

        Discuss afforestation and deforestation.

       Relate global warming, floods and droughts with forests.

       Effects of deforestation on climate nd economy of people


Students will:

       Define forests and natural vegetation.

       Compare productive and protective forest.

       Analyze Mangrove forests of Pakistan.

       Differentiate between afforestation and deforestation.

       Evaluate the effects of afforestation and deforestation of environment and economy of people.

Formative Assessments:

     Class Debates on role of forests in maintaining healthy atmosphere and managing environment.

     Written response on questions related to mangrove forests in form of classwork / homework. Question will focus on location and distribution of mangrove, their adaption to their environment and their importance for environment as well as economic importance.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     Quiz sessions in classrooms about the factors affecting forests.

Summative Assessment:

    Short questions on factors affecting forests and importance of forests.

    Evaluative Questions - For example:

o  Coniferous forests grow in northern regions of country. Relate this fact with the climatic factor.

o  Mangrove forest are important for the economy of coastal areas. Justify.

o  Forests play very important role in keeping the climate temperate of the region. Prove with the help of examples.

o  Deforestation is the major reason for flooding and drought both. Explain with the help of examples.


Learning Activities:

       Use Google Earth to identify the forests and natural vegetation of Pakistan.

       On blank outline map of Pakistan, mark the protective and productive forests of Pakistan.

       Draw a pie chart to show the area under forest in all provinces of Pakistan.

       Class presentation on the irrigated plantation of Pakistan. Comment on their distribution, area, importance, and salient features. This presentation can be given as individual work or as group work.



Standard: Environmental Hazards and natural disasters


Environmental Hazards and natural disasters


Identify, discuss and analyze the impact of global warming, climate change and natural disasters on economy, health, social life and environment of Pakistan.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Analyze the causes and effects of global warming.

       Understand the link between global warming, floods, climate change and natural disasters.

       Analyze the causes and effects of extreme and abrupt weather spells.

       Study the climate change in South Asia over 100 years.






       Identify human activities responsible for natural disasters.

       Comment on the location of Pakistan with reference to the fault lines and earthquakes in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the impact of the use of fossil fuel on the environment.

       Suggest ways to minimize climate changes and global warming.

       Suggest solutions to curtail the effects of natural disasters and climate change. (Controlled burning method, tsunami warning system, deforestation, weather forecast etc.)

       Examine and appraise the role of PDMA (Provincial Disaster Management Authority) in managing the disaster in Pakistan.

       Distinguish between human and natural reasons for droughts in Pakistan.

       Elaborate the effects of droughts on physical as well as human environment.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to reduce droughts and manage the effects of droughts.

       Suggest ways to reduce climate changes and global warming.

       Water Shortage and Global warming is closely linked. Justify.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to the deal with water shortage and drought conditions. Case study: water shortage in deserts of Pakistan in past 5 years.

       Agricultural and industrial development are main contributors in fresh water and ocean water pollution. Elaborate.

       Suggest measures to handle water pollution caused by the industries.


       Understand about global warming and its effects on environment.

       Develop link between global warming floods, droughts and climatic changes.

       Discuss floods and their pros and cons.

       Understand sources of water pollution in oceans and rivers.


Students will:

       Define global warming.

       Identify causes and effects of global warming on environment of Pakistan.

       Relate global warming with climatic changes and flooding or drought.

       Evaluate Pakistan’s weather in terms of changes due to global warming. 

       Identify human reasons for flooding, droughts and climatic changes.

       Analyze different case studies to develop their opinion and draw conclusions.

Formative Assessments:

       Short questions on uses of forests.

       Poster competition on effects of global warming.

       Class presentations can be assessed if given with rubrics and criterion.

       Quiz competition about global warming.

       Project work on flooding Quiz sessions in classrooms about the factors affecting forests.



Summative Assessment:


     Evaluative Questions   For example:

o   How would you prove global warming in recent years?

o   Can you justify the statement; climate change is causing global warming?

o   What could be the consequences of global warming if not addressed?

o   Suggest some ways to prevent global warming.

o   Define Global Warming and its causes.

o   Analyze the relationship between Global Warming and Climate Change

o   Determining the gravity of the problem if not taken seriously.

o   Suggest ways to reduce the impact and damage of these hazards.


Learning Activities:

       Use weather charts and climatic maps to show main areas where major climatic changes are occurring. Maps from survey of Pakistan can be used. Below given link has few examples of presentations that teacher can share with students to show.

       https://www.slideshare.net/ search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search from=header&q=climate+of+pakistan+

       An article having maps of climate zone and changing climate can be read at the below given link:

       https://www.pmd.gov.pk/rnd/ rnd_files/vol8_issue17/4.pdf

       Collaborate online with at least one school in another Climatic zone of Pakistan or the world.  Support students to make safe e-pals to discuss opportunities and challenges regarding the climate of the region. Exchange their notes with rest of the students in the class.

       Provide weblinks of weather channel, videos, useful website and reading material to the students to run a campaign ‘Save Pakistan’!

       Raise awareness by practically demonstrating how to deal with natural disasters. (Earthquake, flood)

       Launch awareness programs to deal with natural disasters for the public. Students can design posters to do so.

       Project work on flooding and drought: teacher to divide the students in groups. Few groups will work on flooding and few on droughts. On each topic, students will be asked to prepare physical model, banners to spread awareness, prepare presentation, write poems, and hold an art competition. An easy writing competition can be planned as well.

       Same plan can be designed for save water project as well.


Theme: Resources and Economic development of Pakistan

Standard: Water, Mineral and Power Resources


Water, Mineral and Power Resources


Analyze the impact of resources and its utilization on the economic development of a country.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Discuss the contribution of rivers in economy of Pakistan focusing on industries related to river.

       Prepare an inventory of surface water resources in Pakistan.

       Analyze seasonal fluctuation in flow of surface water in Pakistan.

       Describe the distribution of ground water sources and quality of ground water.

       Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the extensive irrigation system of Pakistan. 

       Suggest sustainable solutions to water resource management in order to deal with threatening issues of water pollution and water shortage.

       Describe the nature and location of mineral resources in Pakistan.

       Outline the importance of minerals in national economy.

       Describe the uses and distribution of major metallic and nonmetallic minerals.

       Nuclear energy as a great alternative resource for power. Compare its advantages and disadvantages.

       Enlist all the alternative energy resources to deal with the energy crisis.

       Critically analyze the three types of electricity in the country and their comparative advantages and disadvantages.

       Scrutinize non-conventional sources of energy including wind energy and solar energy.


       Learn about eastern and western tributaries of Indus River system.

       Understand the irrigation system of Pakistan.

       Discuss the canal system in Pakistan.

       Explore the small and big dams in Pakistan.

       Learn about water management system.

       learn about mining industry in Pakistan.

       Understand about the renewable energy resources and explore the potential of alternative energy resources.


Students will:

       Mark tributaries of rivers in Pakistan.

       Discuss uses and importance of rivers.

       Identify the components and uses of irrigation system.

       Compare different types of irrigation system.

       Differentiate between small and large dams.

       Suggest sustainable solutions to water shortage issues.

       Classify different types of energy resources.

       Compare different types of energy resources.

       Evaluate different types of alternative energy resources by comparing their advantages and disadvantages.

Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on performance of different political rules / eras.

     Class Activities on different languages.

     Written response on uses of water in form of classwork / homework.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

     MCQs or Quiz sessions in classrooms about irrigation system of Pakistan.




Summative Assessment:


     Short questions about advantages and disadvantages of dams.

     Long questions including evaluative questions:

o  Suggest measures to deal with the challenges of water shortage.

o  Building smaller dams is better as de-siltation of big dams cost huge amounts.

o  Minerals found in Pakistan are not beneficial as extraction cost is greater than the cost benefit of mineral one can expect. Give your opinion.

     Short questions

o  Enlist the types of coals mined in Pakistan.

o  Analyze the challenges faced by the industries due to energy resource crisis.

o  Evaluate nuclear power as an alternative energy resource.

o  Compare solar and hydroelectric power sources in terms of effect on environment.


Learning Activities:

       Use survey of Pakistan maps or google maps for identification of rivers in Pakistan. Also help students in identifying canals, dams, headworks and barrages during the same activity and relate them all as important sources of water.

       Class presentations: teacher can assign class presentation in groups. Different topics will be assigned to different groups, for example: domestic use of water, industrial use of water, irrigation system of Pakistan, dams of Pakistan.

       Debate competition: Students can be assigned topics of small dams and big dams to prepare speech in favour of their topic and points against others topic.

       Use a google map to mark the mining sites of Pakistan.

       Presentation on coal and petroleum focusing on their uses, mining and oil extraction, fields where coal and oil are present, harms caused to environment by burning, amount of energy produced and effect on industries with regards to usage and efficiency.

       Class Presentations:

             Divide students into 7 groups and assign each group a topic as listed below:

o   Solar energy

o   Biomass energy

o   Biogas energy

o   Geothermal energy

o   Tidal energy



Standard: Population Growth and Structure


Population Structure and Growth

Benchmark: Create awareness about the demographic structure of Pakistan. Identify, discuss and analyze the demographic statistics of Pakistan

Students will be able to:

       Describe and explain recent population, population structure, and population growth and population density of Pakistan.

       Identify birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rate.

       Analyze the demographic transition model to find out trends in population growth.

       Study the age pyramid to find trends in population growth.

       Interpret and explain statistics showing birth, death and natural population growth rates in Pakistan.

       Analyze population movements, push and pull factors including rural-to-urban migration, seasonal migration, emigration and immigration (including refugees), voluntary and forced migrations.

       Understand the impact of population displacement and assess actions that can be taken to address the problems, such as self-help programs, clean water provision, and other services.

       Inquire the problems of youth and dependent population.

       Suggest the ways to cope up with the problems of youth and dependent population.

       Evaluate and describe the role of Government and NGOs in their efforts to overcome the problem of population growth.

       Study the role of the Pakistan Bureau of statistics aiming for sustainable population development. (https://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/population-census)

       Explore in detail the concept of human development and its importance for economic growth.

       Describe measures for human resource development in Pakistan.


       Determine population, population density.

       Classification of death rate, birth rate, population growth.

       Understand and describe the Demographic Transition Model.

       Understand and describe age pyramids.

       Identify and describe the causes of population growth.

       Identify and describe the effects of population growth on the economy and development of


       Identify and explain the types of migrations.

       Explain migration with push and pull factors.

       Recognize and understand urbanization.

       Describe and classify the problems caused by urbanization.

       Propose some solutions for urbanization.

       Identify and explain the causes of uneven distribution of population in Pakistan.

       Distinguish and classify population densities according to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Explain and relate population distribution to physical, economic, social and political factors.


       Analytically explain the reasons for high population density.

       Interpret through analytical data to infer how high population growth leads to recent advances in agriculture and health care.

       Interpret and infer the population growth trends over the period of time.

       Analyze and evaluate the social, educational, economic and political factors of population growth.

       Design a proposed plan to provide means for sustainable population growth and population control.

       Evaluate through justified reasoning how a healthy and skilled population is the most important resource for a country.

       Analyze and elucidate the outcome of migration.

       Assess the pros and cons of migration for Pakistani society and economy.

       Infer the gravity of the intense problems arising through urbanization.

       Suggest ways to prevent urbanization for sustainable development in Pakistan.

       Evaluate with reasoning that the uneven distribution of population divergence in Pakistan results in intense problems.

       Suggest how healthy population distribution can be achieved in relation to climate, topography and agriculture.

       Classify the physical and human factors responsible for population distribution.


Formative Assessment: Asses the written responses on:

       Describe and identify different nomenclature related to population.

       Analyze and evaluate the causes and effects of population growth in Pakistan.

       Study migrations in respect to pull and push factors.

       Identify and compare the population densities in different parts of Pakistan and relate factors regarding this.

       Recommend sustainable population growth which is helpful for the development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs from causes of migrations

       Short questions on development problems posed by the population growth.

       long questions including evaluative questions:

o   Define the following: Population, Population density, Population Growth, Death Rate and Birth Rate.

o   How would you evaluate the causes of the high population growth in Pakistan?

o   What are the various Pull and Push factors responsible for migrations?

o   Can you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Urbanization?

o   Suggest some ways to achieve sustainable population growth in Pakistan?

Learning Activities

       Study and understand the Age pyramid and its dynamics.

       Study and analyze the data tables and graphs.

       Extracting specific data from a complex table or graph.

       Analyzing data from the Statistical Bureau of Pakistan.


Class presentations

Different groups of students can prepare presentations on the following sub topics:

       types of migrations. One group of students can present on the rural – Urban Migration and other can work on seasonal migrations.

       Sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by the population distribution.

       Causes of varied population distribution.

       Suggestions or measures to stop or slow down the rural urban migratiosn.












Standard: Agriculture and fisheries


Standard: Agricultura and fisheries

Benchmark: Assessing the importance of agriculture in terms of Primary, Processing and Tertiary sector of Employment and development of Pakistan. Recognize the importance of arable farming, animal husbandry, poultry and fish farming for sustainable development of Pakistan.

Students’ Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

       Explain farming: Arable farming, animal husbandry poultry farming and fish farming.

       Explain the importance of subsistence farming and commercial farming.

       Describe farming (arable farming, animal husbandry, poultry and fish farming) as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Study fish farming with reference to different aspects i.e., inland, marine, commercial and subsistence, modern and traditional methods of farming.

       Recognize the role of modern technology and methods of farming in the economic development of Pakistan. (Scope of farming)

       Analyze patterns of food consumption, trends and challenges in the production of agricultural products since 2000.

       Analyze modern trends and other factors hindering the agricultural products leading to the threat of scarcity of food (turning of arable land into housing societies)

       Analyze the importance of agriculture with respect to the prosperity in Pakistan. (Micro and macro)

       Suggest ways for sustainable agricultural development.

       Analyze the contribution of agricultural products in uplifting the economy of Pakistan (employment, processing industries and export)  


       Elaborate the three types of subsistence livestock farming being practiced in Pakistan.

       Discuss subsistence livestock farming as a system of input-process -output.

       Evaluate commercial farming as a system of input-process and output farming.

       Highlight the importance of livestock farming for the economy of the country.

       Identify the main livestock resource in Pakistan.

       Identify the problems of livestock industry in Pakistan.

       Suggest some sustainable solutions for the development strategy of the livestock farming in Pakistan. 

       Evaluate fishing industry as one of the potential industries for the economic development of Pakistan. 

       Differentiate between subsistence fishing and commercial fishing.

       Compare and contrast the scope of economic growth of marine fishing, inland fishing and farm fishing.

       Identify the main types of fish catch in commercial marine fishing.

       Analyze the problems faced during the fish marketing.

       Highlight the expected socio-economic benefits of developing fish farming.

       Discuss the problems of the fishing industry.

       Suggest solutions for the sustainable fisheries in the country.

       Comment on the role of CPEC in the development of fisheries.

       Case study: Development of Gawadar Port and fisheries.


       Define agriculture and its types.

       Differentiate between Subsistence farming and Cash crop farming.

       Study Agriculture as a system of Input, Process and Output.

       Classify and study the food and cash crops of Pakistan with reference to human and physical factors. (Wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and oil seeds, millets, corn, pulses)

       Discuss the trends of intensification of food production activities since the 1960s along with effects of use of irrigation and chemicals on water and soil quality.

       Discuss the factors affecting the food production: physical, economic, political, technological advances

       Identify the variation of food production in different parts of Pakistan.

       Relate the importance of Agriculture as an important factor to produce employment in Pakistan.

       Identify and describe salinity and waterlogging as major problems faced by agriculture in Pakistan.

       Explore fisheries as an important economic resource of Pakistan.

       Compare inland and marine fishing.

       Discuss the problems faced by fishing industry.

       Suggest measures for sustainable growth of fisheries.


       Analyze and describe types of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Organize agriculture as a system of input, process and output in tabular form.

       Explore the importance of food and cash crops for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Describe and differentiate various crops being cultivated in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the scope of these crops for the development of Pakistan.

       Analyze and predict the past and future trends of crop production in Pakistan.

       Comparatively analyzing the intensification of food production activities since 1960 with that of the recent existing timeline,

       Explore and elucidate the factors affecting the intensity of food production: physical, economic, political, technological advances.

       Analyze the impact of the use of modern irrigation and industrial chemicals on water and soil quality.

       Suggest ways to develop agriculture on a scientific and sustainable base in Pakistan keeping in view the population trends and future needs.

       Identify and relate the causative factors responsible for varied crop production in different parts of Pakistan. (Physical and Human factors).

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

       Identify the primary, secondary and tertiary sector of employment related to agriculture.

       Suggest ways to cope with waterlogging and salinity in Pakistan.

       Identify the challenges faced by the fishing industry in Pakistan.

       Suggest ways to develop fishing industry.


Formative Assessment: Assess verbal and written response about:

       Study agriculture and types of agriculture.

       Describe agriculture as a system.

       Evaluate the importance of agriculture for the development of Pakistan.

       Suggest ways to sustainable agriculture and coping with food shortage threats in future.

       Propose do’s and don'ts to develop agriculture for the sustainable development of Pakistan.

Summative Assessment

Short questions

       What are the different types of Agriculture?

       How would you differentiate between subsistent and commercial farming?

       Why do you think Pakistan is a suitable country for agriculture?

       Do you think intensive agriculture is causing environmental damage?

       Why there is a threat of global food shortage in future?

       Suggest some ways for the sustainable development of Agriculture in Pakistan

Learning Activities

       Related maps to show main areas where major (cash and staple) crops are grown.

       Pictures, videos etc. to explain types and methods of agriculture. 

       Collaborate face to face or (if possible) online with at least one school in rural areas of Pakistan and have a question answer session with the students (and their families) to find out the challenges they face in terms of agriculture production, their sale and distribution.

       Organize field trips to arable farms for in depth learning and observation.

       Divide the class into two large groups to collect some information about cash and staple crops. Present their findings to the rest of the groups. Teacher can guide other groups to take notes while one group is presenting.

       Use diagrams or a PPT to explain different aspects of the unit like methods to evaluate agricultural projects to develop their understanding.

       Techniques like SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat) analysis to guide students to construct arguments and provide evidence for assessing students’ understanding problems and challenges faced by agriculture industry.

       Collaboration techniques e.g., face to face or (if possible) synchronous or asynchronous collaboration (Google slides/docs) with at least one more school of Pakistan/ World to help students exchange notes on opportunities, challenges and threats they face in agriculture in terms of climatic and economic aspects.

       All the necessary resources like reading material, videos, web-links etc. prior to group work to facilitate students to understand the unit in terms of food, recreation, economic activities, and power production.

       Use pictures, magazines, books and videos etc. to explain the importance of agriculture in Pakistan.

       Use PowerPoint presentations, diagrams and videos to explain types of farming in Pakistan.

       Provide resource material e.g. articles, web links, ideas and assistance in creating Vlogs and awareness posters

       Use diagrams, graphs or PPTs to explain and discuss different aspects of the unit like risk factors and ways of improving agriculture. 

Project Work:

       A group of students to prepare a complete project on Gawadar which may include, model of beach / jetty, port, and other associated facilities there. Showing nearby population, road network and air strip/ airport as well. Help of google maps can be taken for this. Other group can present the economy of the area particularly focusing on the change in patterns after completion of Gwadar port. Similarly, another group can highlight the challenges and effects on weather due to development. 
















Standard: Industry and Employment



Industry and Employment

Benchmark: Generate discussion about the Main occupations of Pakistan with reference to Primary, Processing and Tertiary sectors of Employment. Generating discussion about use of nuclear energy and other alternatives for sustainable industrial development in Pakistan

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Identify the types of industries.

       Identify Primary, Secondary and Tertiary industries and their importance for the development of Pakistan. (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary occupations)

       Describe the factors affecting the location of various industries.

       Relate the significance of industrial development with the economy of Pakistan.

       Analyze factors such as the energy crisis that pose a threat to industrial development.

       Generate discussion about use of nuclear energy and other alternatives (solar, wind, biogas etc.)  as a safe way for sustainable industrial development.

       Study the environmental hazards (Pollution) caused by industrial development.

       Suggest ways for the sustainable industrial development in Pakistan.


       Case study of Sundar Industrial Estate to evaluate the impact of estate establishment on trade and industrial production.

       Case study of CPEC to evaluate the estimated future prospects on industrial development and employment.  


       Classify primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

       List and discuss job classifications for primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.

       Describe the factors that determine the distribution of occupations and jobs.

       Develop understanding about secondary industry.

       Classify industries on basis of its types / scales of production.

       Identify and describe the importance of literacy, education and training to the development of Pakistan.

       Distinguish between skilled and unskilled labor in Pakistan.

       Describe the role of skilled labor in the development of a country.

Student will:

       Decipher and analyze the role of employment in a country's development.

       Depict and analytically explain the importance of different sectors/ industries) in the future development of Pakistan.

       Analyze the factors affecting the location of different industries in Pakistan.

       Identify the major industries of Pakistan.

       Critically analyze the challenges faced by industries in Pakistan.

       Comparatively analyze the relationship between literacy, education and training for better employment opportunities in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the role of skilled labor in the development of a country.

       Explore the causes of unemployment in Pakistan and propose solutions.

       Elucidate and evaluate using evidence why tertiary and quaternary employment areas (Service Industry) are most important in a changing world.


Formative Assessment: Written or verbal responses on questions.

       Identify and differentiate between Cottage, Small Scale and Large-Scale industries in Pakistan.

       Describe the various types of industries in Pakistan. (cement, cotton, sugar, crafts, fertilizer, Iron and steel, sports goods, surgical instruments)

       Relate the types of industries and their location in Pakistan.

       Analyze the Govt. policies for the development of the industrial sector in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the creation of Industrial development Zones in Pakistan

       Study Tourism, Foreign Investment, Banking and Education for the development of industries and trade in Pakistan.

       Study factors such as the energy/ financial crisis that poses a threat to industrial growth.

        Describe the scope of human factors such as C-PEC for trade and industry in Pakistan.

       Define and distinguish between different types of employment and unemployment.

       Identify the factors affecting employment and unemployment.

       Determining the importance of literacy and technical training to cater unemployment.

       Predict the role of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in the development of a country.


Summative Assessment
MCQs on industrial development in Pakistan and challenges faced by industries.
• Long questions including evaluative questions:

       Why do you think the Cottage Industry should be developed in Pakistan?

       How would you evaluate the importance of small scale and large-scale industries for the development of a country?

       State the importance of following industries for the development of Pakistan; (cement, cotton, sugar, crafts, fertilizer, Iron and steel, sports goods, surgical instruments)

       Can you determine the factors which are responsible for the location of Industries in Pakistan?

       How would you evaluate the role of Industrial development zones in Pakistan?

       Describe the following for the Industrial development of Pakistan Tourism, Foreign investments, banking and Education.

       Why do you think the energy crisis is one of the major hurdles in the industrial development of Pakistan? Explain.

       How would you evaluate the importance of CPEC for the trade and industrial development of Pakistan?

       How would you differentiate between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary employment?

       Can you identify the recent changes in various employment sectors?

       Why do you think education and training are important for the development of skilled human resource in Pakistan?

       Can you describe quaternary employment sector and its importance in the future?

Learning Activities

       Study and evaluate various industries on the map of Pakistan.

       Identify and justify the location of different industries in different parts of Pakistan.

       Study the role of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation.

       Study the development of CPEC over the period of time and understand the hurdles posed to this project.

       Field trips to different industries and interviews with the management and workers; identifying their problems.


                  Graffiti Board:

Ask students to prepare a living board in the class where they can add on the related pictures on the map as they continue to learn the new subtopics. For example, CPEC can be drawn on the map, major cities can be marked, major industries can be shown with the help of an icon, route of raw material and markets can be shown, and advantages / disadvantages can also be marked on it.


Standard: Trade, Transport and Telecommunication



Standard: Trade, Transport and Telecommunication



To relate the role of transport and telecommunication in trade and development of a country comparing it with international scenarios and evaluate the future prospects of development.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Describe imports and exports highlighting the changing trade patterns over the years.

       Name and locate Pakistan’s main trading partners, and name the goods Pakistan exported to them or imported from them.

       Analyze how do changes in imports and exports effect the balance of trade.

       Understand the factors which may promote or hinder trade with other countries and explain why it is difficult for Pakistan as a developing country to maintain or increase its share of trade with other countries.

       Understand the factors that may promote and limit trade, including trading blocs, trade barriers and currency exchange rates.

       Infer why Pakistan has negative balance of payments.

       Suggest some solutions to correct the balance of payments.

       Comment on the role of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) in improving trade of Pakistan.

       Explain the importance of radio, television, phones, fax machines, emails and the internet in the fields of education, industry, services and trade.

       Understand the problems of providing telecommunications in some parts of Pakistan.

       Evaluate the role of telecommunications in the development of Pakistan.

       Suggest the solutions to the barriers that hinder the development of rail, Road and air communication in different parts of Pakistan.

       Describe improvements that have taken place in telecommunication sector in past few years relating it with education sector in particular and comment on its future possibilities.

       Evaluate the development of new transport scheme, including motorways and air transports.

       Justify that developing transport resource directly effects the political, economic and social life of people of country.



       Discuss trade, its functions and benefits for any country.

       Compare Pakistan’s imports and exports.

       GNP and GDP

       trade routes of Pakistan

       export processing zone.

       Trade barriers 

       Discuss different types of transport.

       Land transport and road network

       Advantages and disadvantages of three types of transport system.

       Importance of telecommunication for a country.

       Assess the impacts of telecom on development of Pakistan.



Students will:

       Define trade and discuss its benefits.

       Differentiate between GNP and GDP

       Identify trade routes of Pakistan.

       Evaluate export processing zone as a tool to promote trade.

       Identify trade barriers and suggest measures to reduce impact of these trade barriers.

       Differentiate between balance of trade and balance of payments.

       Identify different types of transport in Pakistan.

       Infer the benefits of dry ports.

       Identify the importance of having well developed road network.

       Evaluate Pakistan’s rail and road network by discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

       Analyze the role of telecommunication in the development of a country’s economy and life standards.  

Formative Assessment:


      Class Discussion on Trade and its importance.

      Quiz on means of transport.

      Class presentations can be assessed.

      Exit slips on the end of the lesson importance of telecommunication.

      1 minute summary for the wrap up of lesson disadvantages of telecom on social and political life of people in the country.


Summative Assessment:

     Multiple choice questions on importance of water

     Quiz competition on three ports of Pakistan.

     Short questions or long questions.

     Evaluative questions:

o   Keeping advantages and disadvantages in front of you, comment telecommunication should be developed or not.

o   Suggest how we can benefit from developing telecom in the field of education and health.

o   Discuss the benefits of rail transport over air and road transport.

o   Comment on the challenges faced by the export processing zones.

Learning Activities:

       Map work on Trade routes

       Marking of Export Processing Zones on map.

       Case study: Export Promotion Zone of Gawadar. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of developing export processing zone in Gwadar relating its impact on economy of country and climate change.

       Research work: Ask students to carry out research on development of rail network over the period of time.














Theme: Society and Cultural Diversity in Pakistan

Standard: Society and Culture of Pakistan.




Society and Culture of Pakistan


Students will be able to understand the pluralistic nature of Pakistani society and culture, and the concept of unity in diverse society keeping in view various regions and provinces in Pakistan. It will also enable the students to explore the components of society and the way they have developed over the period of time as well as have insight into the contribution made by the Sufi saints to forge social and cultural harmony in the plural society of Pakistan.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Elaborate the terms Culture, society and cultural diversity.

       Discuss different components of culture (language, dresses, art, craft, music and festivals)

       Explain the salient features of Pakistani society and culture.

       Examine the concept of unity with reference to regional cultures leading to national integration.

       Examine the status and role of women in Pakistani society.

       Examine the impact of feudalism in Pakistani society.

       Explain various aspects of tribalism in Pakistani society.

       Analyze how globalization has affected Pakistani society and culture.

       Analyze the role of languages in developing national integration and unity.

       Discuss different provisional and local languages spoken across the country.

       Differentiate between language and dialect.

       Trace out the development of Urdu and other languages in Pakistan.

       Identify the major dialects in different areas of Pakistan.

       Identify the various forms of Pakistani literature.

       State the salient features of Pakistani literature.

       Discuss the importance of folklore in Pakistani literature.

       Trace the origin and development of Drama in Pakistan society.

       Discuss the important mystical orders in Pakistan.

       Highlight the points of commonalities among different mystical Sufi orders in Pakistan.

       Discuss the contributions of following Sufis:

o   Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar

o   Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

o   Hazrat Ali bin Usman Hajveri

o   Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya

o   Hazrat Shaikh Gharib Shah

o   Hazrat Pir Dupasi

o   Hazrat Rahman Baba

o   Hazrat Shaikh Rahamkar (Kaka Sahib)

o   Hazrat Mian Mohammad Bakhsh

o   Hazrat Shah Hamadan

o   Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Farid

o   Hazrat Bulleh Shah

o   Hazrat Syed Ali Tirmizi (Pir Baba)

       Analyze the contribution of Sufi saints in Pakistani areas.

       Recognize the impact of teachings of Sufi saints on moral and spiritual development of society.

       Establish relationship between various Sufi saints in different regions and provinces.

       Appreciate how the messages of various Sufis in different provinces and parts carried a lot of commonalities and have emerged as a unifying spiritual bond in the Pakistani society and culture


       Concept of cultures

       Components of culture

       National and regional languages

       Literature and folklore

       Drama in Pakistan


Students will:

       Define culture and enlist the main characteristics of culture.

       Recognize components of Culture.

       Identify major characteristics and social problems of Pakistani Society.

       Trace the history of art, festivals and folklore in Pakistan.

       Develop an account of regional languages spoken in Pakistan.

       Comment Urdu as a national language is very important for national integration.

       Discuss role Urdu language as an important agent in Pakistan Movement.  

       Differentiate between language and Dialect.

       Discuss the major dialects spoken in Pakistan.

       Discuss some of the famous folklores of Pakistan.

       Appreciate different forms of literature in our society.

       Develop an account of some famous writers and poets of Pakistan.

       Evaluate role of national poets and writers in awaken Muslims of subcontinent for a separate nation.

       Comment on some famous festivals celebrated in Pakistan, including religious festivals, cultural festivals, regional festivals, festivals of minorities and international festivals.

       Trace the development of Drama / Performing art in Pakistan.

       Analyze the contribution of Sufi saints in Pakistani areas.

       Recognize the impact of teachings of Sufi saints on moral and spiritual development of society.

       Establish relationship between various Sufi saints in different regions and provinces.

       Appreciate how the messages of various Sufis in different provinces and parts carried a lot of commonalities and have emerged


Formative Assessments:


       Class Discussion on culture and society of Pakistan

       Class Activities on different languages.

       Written response in form of classwork / homework about components of culture.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions.

Summative Assessments:


       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false. On components of culture.

       Short questions on the features of Pakistan’s Literature.

       Long questions including evaluative questions. For example:

o   Language plays an important role in developing cohesion amongst people of a country. Comment.

o   Compare different forms of literature in Pakistan.

o   Comment on the importance of national language by discussing its role in Pakistan movement and role in development of country after partition.

o   Muslim poets and writers played very important role in political awakening during Pakistan Movement. Justify with the help of examples.



Learning Activities:


       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Pakistan

       Cultural Display: Students can be assigned different cultures and they can present it by displaying dress, household items, cuisines, artifacts, embroideries, and other components of culture. This display can be planned at some event like Parent teachers meeting day, open day or at an exhibition day.

       Display board in the class. Classroom display boards can be allocated place to different group of students where they can display their items and artifacts related to their assigned cultures

       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about language of different regions, regional folklores, regional literature, poets, writers, dramas and cultural monuments.


Standard: National Integration and Cohesion

Standard: National Integration and Cohesion



Students will be able to develop a sense of belonging to the land and commitment to democracy and human life. They will identify the factors important for developing national cohesion and realize its importance. Role of Minorities will also be discussed to acknowledge their contributions in development of country.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Trace the origin of state with reference to the theories of Divine Origin, Force and Social Contract (Hobbs, Lock, Rousseau).

       Describe the elements of a state (sovereignty, population, territory, government)

       Compare and distinguish the role of state, society and government.

       Analyze how a welfare state guarantees the equity and justice on the issues of gender, religion and social classes.

       Define national cohesion and integration.

       Differentiate between national cohesion and national integration.

       Significance in Islamic Democratic State

       Identify factors enhancing national cohesion and integration in the country.

       Describe why national cohesion and national integration are important for the socio-economic development of the nation.

       Problems in the way to National Cohesion and Integration in Pakistan

       Identify the problems associated with building national cohesion in Pakistan

       Suggest ways to increase national integration and national cohesion in country.

       Suggest the role of an individual in increasing national cohesion and national integration in a country..


Students will learn about:

       Nation, nationality and ummah


       Role of individual in shaping up a society.


       National integration and cohesion and their importance

       Ways to increase nation cohesion and integration.

       Quaid’s vision in this context


Students will:

       Define terms nation, nationality and ummah.

       Differentiate between nation and ummah, community and society, national integration and cohesion.

       Identify role of individual in society and community.

       Differentiate between national integration and cohesion.

       Analyze the importance of national integration.

       Evaluate Quaid’s speech in context of role of minorities in developing national integration.   

       Comment on religious freedom in terms of human right rights and importance for national integration.

Formative Assessment:

     Class Discussions on role of minorities in national cohesion.

     MCQs on society and community.

     Quiz on any topic as assigned by the teacher for example: community, its significance and family in community system.

     Entry slips or exit slips on nation, nationality and ummah.

Summative Assessment:

         Multiple choice questions on concepts of nation, ummah, nationality, society etc.


         Short questions on suggestions to increase national cohesion and integration. 

         Evaluative questions:

o  Differentiation between national integration and national cohesion.

o  Evaluate role of family in community.

o  Suggest how an individual can bring betterment in society.

Learning Activities:

     Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it. Possible topics could be:

o    Nation and nationality

o    Characteristics of society in Islam.

o    Relation between society and individual.

        Quiz Competition: how national cohesion plays an important part in economic development.

        Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against of Role of minorities in development of country












Recreation - Sports and Tourism


Recreation - Sports and Tourism


Students will be able to develop an understanding of the importance of recreational activities particularly with reference to sports and tourism. Students will be able to identify the challenges faced by the tourism industry in Pakistan and give sustainable solutions for its development. Moreover, international sports and traditional sports will be analyzed and compared with the global status.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Define recreation and interpret its importance in society or common people.

       Enlist some common recreational activities in Pakistani society.

       Define and highlight the importance of sports in Pakistani society.

       Discuss the status of International Sports (Hockey, Cricket, Football, Lawn tennis and Polo)

       Sketch out the profile of Pakistan in world sports: Hockey, Cricket, Squash, Snooker, Football, Lawn tennis, Polo, Table tennis, Badminton and Basketball)

       Explore the status of indigenous Games in Pakistan (Kabaddi, Malakhra, Gullidanda, Wrestling, Kite-flying)

       Analyze the importance of Tourism as an industry in Pakistan.

       Identify and mark the important historical, natural, commercial and other sites of tourist attraction in Pakistan on a map.

       Collect the data of revenue generation through the tourism industry.

       Recognize the main problems in the development of Tourist Industry in Pakistan

       Suggest sustainable ways and means to promote tourism in Pakistan.

       Tourism plays a very important role in economic development of a region. Comment.


       Recreation and its importance in society

       Recreational activities in Pakistan

       Sports – an important recreational activity

       National, international and traditional sports

       Status of Pakistan in International Sports

       Tourism – an emerging industry as well as an important recreational activity

       Important tourist places in Pakistan

       Challenges faced by tourism industry.

       Sustainable solutions / suggestions for development of tourism in Pakistan 


Students will:

       Define recreation and recreational activities.

       Identify some recreational activities.

       Discuss the importance and need of recreational activities for society.

       Distinguish some important traditional and international recreational activities.

       Describe the importance of sports activities for people / society.

       Recognize some of the important sports activities at international and national levels.

       Comment on some indigenous and traditional games in Pakistan.

       Highlight status of Pakistan in International sports

       Explore the challenges faced by the Pakistani players in different sports activities.

       Suggest suitable solutions to the problems faced by the players.

       Suggest some sustainable measures for the promotion of different sports activities in Pakistan.

       Evaluate tourism as an important industry for developing countries like Pakistan.

       Justify that Pakistan has a lot of potential for tourism owing to the presence of its majestic mountain ranges, deep gorges and valleys, fertile green plains, gushing rivers, beautiful deserts and virgin beaches at coastline.

       Identify the historical tourism sites present in Pakistan.

       Recognize the challenges faced by tourism industry particularly focusing on the role of government and efforts carried out by the society at their own.

       Justify that the efforts for the development of tourism have brought in climatic problems and environmental hazards.

       Suggest some sustainable environment friendly solutions for the development of tourism industry.


Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on importance of sports activities / tourism.

     Class presentation on different tourist activities / sports activities in Pakistan.

     Verbal / Written response in form of classwork / homework or during different activities in daily lessons. For example, exit slips for Need of leisure activities.

     MCQs or Quiz sessions in classroom on any topic like sports activities in Pakistan.

     Warm up or brainstorming sessions and wrap up activities like exit slips on tourism.

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions on advantages and disadvantages of tourism

       Short questions about problems faced by tourism industry and sustainable solutions to deal with.

       Evaluative questions - some examples can be:

o   Reflect on history of development of cricket in Pakistan.

o   Hockey has been an important sports and national game of Pakistan. Comment.

o   State any three steps to be taken to develop the tourism industry in the coastal regions of Pakistan.

o   Justify that tourism can change the fate of the region.

Learning Activities:

       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it. Possible topics can be:

o  Indoor Sports in Pakistan

o  International sports in      Pakistan

o  Tourist attraction places of historical importance in Pakistan.

o  Tourist spots of religious importance.

Students can collect images from internet for their presentation. 

       Develop a working / live board in the class. A blank outline map of Pakistan can be placed in the middle of the board. Teachers need to assign different tourist attraction places to students and ask them to bring pictures and facts related to that place which can be pinned on to the board over the map. In this way many tourist places can be placed, and students can have an idea of their location as well.

       Playing different sports: Schools can plan inter-section competitions of different sports including the traditional and indigenous games.

       Video show: Students can be shown different videos related to tourist places or sports activities. Number of videos are available on YouTube as well as on other weblinks.

       Virtual tours: Virtual tours of some tourist places are available online which can be shown to the students either in school or links can be shared to be seen at home. Some sites are as below:

o   https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=virtual+tour+of+pakistan

o   https://www.hd360.pk/VirtualTour_Portfolio.php

o   https://virtualpakistan.pk/

Theme: Constitution of Pakistan

Standard: Constitutional Development in Pakistan


Constitutional Development in Pakistan


Students will be able to trace the constitutional developments in the country, with special emphasis on the 1973 Constitution, democratic process, rights and responsibilities of the citizens, and important amendments in the 1973 Constitution.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Identify the key features of the Objectives Resolution.

       Discuss the salient features of the 1973 Constitution.

       Explain the features of Islamization incorporated in the 1973 Constitution.

       Explain the fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan provided by the 1973 Constitution.

       Analyze the responsibilities of the citizens given under the 1973 Constitution

       Evaluate the state of women’s rights provided by the 1973 Constitution.

       Appreciate the minority rights in the 1973 Constitution.

       Explain the Federal structure of Pakistan and its functioning in light of the Constitution of 1973.




       Objective Resolution

       History of the development of the National Constitution.

       Salient Features of the Constitution of 1956, 1962 and 1973

       Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1959.




       Explain the salient features of Objective Resolution of 1949.

       Draw a timeline to reflect constitutional development in Pakistan.

       State the major features of 1956 Constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan.

       Comment on the Islamic provisions of Constitution of 1956. 

       Identify the reasons for the delay in the development process of constitution.

       Discuss the salient features of 1962 and 1973 Constitutions of Pakistan.

       Compare and contrast the Islamic provisions of 1962 and 1973 constitutions of Pakistan.

Formative Assessments:

     Class Discussion on salient features of all three constitutions.

     Written response in form of classwork / homework on comparative features of constitutions.

     Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions while comparing constitutions.

     Quiz sessions in classroom about different features of constitutions.

Summative Assessments:

     MCQs on salient features of different constitutions of Pakistan.

     Evaluative Questions on salient features of all three constitutions.

Learning Activities:

       Group work: class can be divided into three groups. Each group should be assigned a constitution. After studying the salient features of their constitution, students will present in front of the class and argue to prove that their constitution is the best.

       Draft of Objective Resolution.

Teacher will provide the draft of Objective Resolution to the students. After discussing the points of draft, teacher will generate the discussion on it. Following websites can be consulted for this purpose.

       http://www.pakistani.org/pakistan /constitution/annex.html



Theme: Citizenship




Students will critically analyze appreciation of diversity, digital citizenship, critical media literacy, conflict resolution, peace, and sustainable development. and demonstrate the qualities of a responsible citizen


Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Understand diverse regional, cultural, religious and ethnic identities in Pakistan.

       Appreciate the diversity of Pakistani culture to demonstrate mutual respect and understanding.

       Explore what it means to be a savvy digital citizen in the age of social media, web-based information, and technology tools.

       Understand that media messages are produced within economic, social, political, historical, and aesthetic contexts.

       Analyze purpose, target audience, and credibility of a message.

       Demonstrate fact checking techniques for uncovering accurate information. 

       Understand the importance of peace for a happy and healthy society.

       Explain different methods of conflict resolution.

       Analyze the importance of sustainable development.

       Synthesize sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their importance for Pakistan.


       Citizen and citizenship.

       Role and responsibilities of a citizen. 

       Democratic process in Pakistan.

       Parliamentary democracy.

       Free press.

       Justice and equality.

       Gaining and losing citizenship

       Messages – purpose, and credibility

       Conflict resolution


       Roles of different institutions (NADRA, Police, State Bank of Pakistan, Immigration and Passports, PEMRA)


Students will be able to:

       Define and explain citizen and its role.

       Identify traits of a good citizen.

       Establish the importance of volunteer work and services of citizens for society.

       English mode of acquiring or losing citizenship.

       Analyze the democratic system and process in Pakistan.

       Evaluate the need and presence of a free press.

       Analyze the purpose, target audience, and credibility of a message.

       Demonstrate fact-checking techniques for uncovering accurate information. 

       Understand the importance of peace for a happy and healthy society.

       Explain different methods of conflict resolution.

       Analyze the importance of sustainable development.

       Synthesize sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their importance for Pakistan


Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of volunteer work and services of a good citizen.

       Class presentation on role and responsibilities of a good citizen. 

       Written response in form of classwork / homework on traits of a good citizen and its importance.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up sessions on importance of free press.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classroom on democratic process and system in Pakistan.

Summative Assessments:

       Multiple choice questions- citizenship

       Fill in the blanks- democratic process in Pakistan.

       Quiz competition – roles and responsibilities of a good citizen.

       Short questions or Evaluative questions: for example:

o   An individual can play a vital role in the betterment of society. Comment.

o   Differentiate between immigration and emigration.

o   Prevalence of justice and equality in society is necessary for a balanced and emotionally stable society that can progress well. Justify with the help of examples.

Learning Activities:


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it. For example: role of citizen in betterment of society.

       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned on the democratic process / system of Pakistan.

       Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against presence of free press.























Rights and Responsibilities


Rights and Responsibilities


Students will be able to have cognizance of the conceptual understanding of human rights as well as its present state. They will also be able to develop a sense of belonging to the land and commitment to democracy and human life.

Students’ Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

       Compare between rights and responsibilities of common responsible citizen of a country. 

       Explain the basic features of the concept of human rights.

       Examine the Islamic perspective of Human Right.

       Enumerate the major clauses of UN declaration of Human Rights, 1948

       Analyze the fundamental Rights in the 1973 Constitution.

       Compare and contrast the rights and obligations of citizens under the 1973 constitution with rights given to citizens under the UN Human Rights Declaration, 1948

       Critically analyze the state of basic human rights in Pakistan. Particularly focusing on education, health and poverty.

       Develop an understanding of Human rights both at the national and international level with reference to the SDGs related to basic human rights.

       Compare state and awareness about women rights in Pakistan and on international level.

       Highlight the rights of women as given by Islamic Principles and laws.

       Identify the factors responsible for deteriorated conditions of women status in societal set up of Pakistan. 

       Comment on child rights on international level.

       Analyze the child Labor and underage employment in country particularly relating it to some specific industries.

       Suggest solutions or measures to be taken up for the eradication of child labor.

       Infer the relationship between an individual and society.

       What is social stratification?

       What are the main features of social inequality and how are these created?


       Rights and duties of a citizen.

       Islamic Perspective of rights of a citizen.

       UN declaration of Human Right 1948.

       Child rights as UN charter.

       Child labour

       Women rights and gender discrimination. 

       Transgender Rights

       Human rights as per 1973 Constitution

       Status of human rights in Pakistan

        Human rights and minorities

       Animal rights.

       Organizations involved in child rights / animal right / women rights.

       Sustainable solutions to animal rights.

       Rights of differently abled persons


Students will be able to:

       Differentiate between rights and obligations of a citizen.

       Discuss the Islamic concept of Human rights and relate it with the concept of a welfare state in Islam.

       Reflect on the 30 clauses of Human Rights in UN declaration of 1948.

       Explore the clauses of 1973 Constitution related to Basic Human Rights.

       Examine the status of basic human rights in Pakistan focusing particularly on health and education sector.

        Critically evaluate the role of education in poverty alleviation.

       Analyze the importance of self-sufficiency in food as a basic human right as well as important for a development of state.

       Religious freedom is an important human right, comment and evaluate in light of minorities in Pakistan. 

       Infer the present state of animal rights in Pakistan.

       Suggest measure / solutions for challenges faced by the animal right activists.

Formative Assessments:

       Class Discussion on importance of Human rights

       Class presentations on UN declaration of Human Right and human right clauses in Constitution of 1973. 

       Written response in form of classwork / homework on animal rights.

       Verbal responses during different activities, brainstorming session, warm up activities and wrap up session in daily lessons.

       MCQs or Quiz sessions in classroom on rights of child, women and animal as stated in the Un charter versus Constitution on 1973.

Summative Assessments:

       Evaluative questions:

o   Compare and contrast the basic human rights declared in UN declaration and 1973 Constitution.

o   Out of 30 rights declared in UN declaration, identify the five most important in your opinion.

o   Relate SDs with the basic human right situation in country.

o   State some common action that we all take in daily life which link to violation of animal protection laws.


Learning Activities:

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge. Some weblinks are:

o   https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf

o   https://opseu.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/30_basic_human_rights_list_english.pdf

o   https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/


       Class Presentation: Students can be assigned some topics for class presentation after completing the topic. Students should prepare and present these topics in front of the class / peers and teacher can comment on it or mark it. For example status of women rights in Pakistan.


       Display board in the class. A comparison can be made on the board between UN declaration of Human rights and Clauses of Human rights in Constitution of 1973.


       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about UN declaration of Human Rights.


       Debate competition: A debate competition can be planned in favour and against of Rights of minorities in country.








Theme: Pakistan and International Affairs

Standard A: Foreign Policy of Pakistan


Standard: Foreign Policy of Pakistan

Benchmark: Study the guiding principles of the Foreign Policy and External Relations of Pakistan. Generating discussion about the main characteristics of Pakistan’s Foreign policy and Pakistan’s international relations.

Students will:

       Study the guiding principles of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

       Discuss significance and objectives of Pakistan’s foreign policy.



       Explain determining factors that are responsible for shaping Pakistan’s Foreign Policy.


       Analyze relationships (opportunities and challenges) of Pakistan with neighboring states: China, India, Iran, and Afghanistan. (SDGs 16 goals)

       Evaluate the future prospects of good neighborly relations with China, India, Iran, and Afghanistan.

       Evaluate the future pro-strategic importance of Pak-China relationship.

       Analyze the significance of Pakistan’s Relationships with the Superpowers, Central Asian, SAARC, EU and OIC States.

       Analyze Kashmir conflict and expected outcomes of the issue if solved as per desires of the Kashmiris.

        Analyze Pak-US relations before and after 9/11 situation.


       Foreign policy of Pakistan.

       Relation with other countries.

       Basis of relationship with other countries.

       US Pakistan relations before and after 9 /11

       Foreign policy and Pakistan’s foreign policy.

       Importance of material and moral support of oppressed and suppressed people/Nations in the world.

       Geopolitical importance of the location of Pakistan.

       Relate the location of Pakistan with the importance of international relations.


       Associate the foreign policy of a country to international relations.

       Analyze to what extent Pakistan is successful in supporting the less privileged people/nations in the world.


       Rationalize the impact of Kashmir Conflict (Future prospects) on Pakistan’s relations with India.


Formative Assessment: written or verbal response on question, for example:

       Identify and define the importance of foreign policy.

       Describe the salient features of the foreign policy of Pakistan.

       Relate foreign policy with international relations in the world.

       Study Pakistan relations with different countries of the world.

       Analyze the effects of Pakistan’s foreign policy in coping with different conflicts.

Summative Assessment

       MCQs/ fill in the blanks/ true or false on importance and need of foreign policy.

       Short questions – Pakistan’s’ relationship with other countries.

       long questions including evaluations:

o   Why do you think foreign policy is important for a country?

o   What do you know about the foreign policy of Pakistan?

o   In today’s world Foreign policy and International Relations are very important for a country. Explain the statement.

o   How are international relations important for the economic development of Pakistan?

o   Do you think foreign policies and international relations are important for coping with different conflicts?


Learning Activities

       Extra Research work: Teachers can provide extra reading material / books for extended knowledge on foreign policies of Pakistan.


       Display board in the class. Classroom display boards can be allocated place to different group of students where they can display their presentations one group can work on relations with China, other can work on foreign relations with Iran, one with Afghanistan and one with India.

       Class discussions on a recent development related to foreign policy.

       Kashmir/ Afghanistan related articles from newspapers should be used as a resource.

       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about the concepts discussed in the lesson. For example importance of foreign policy

















Standard: Pakistan and International Organizations

Standard: Pakistan and International Organizations

Benchmark: Understand the relations of Pakistan with international organizations and its importance and involvement with international issue of peace and conflicts.

Students will:

       Describe the status of country in United Nations Organization as a member country.

       Analyze role of different committees and organs of UNO.

       Analyze UN’s decisions taken on Kashmir issue and Palestine Issue.

       Discuss the efforts of Pakistan in peacekeeping in collaboration with the UN.

       Analyze the significance of Pakistan’s Relationships with the countries present in SAARC, EU and OIC States

       Discuss the role of Monetary institutions like WTO, World Bank and IMF for the development of Pakistan.

       Evaluate the role of IMF in present status of Economic difficulties in country.


       Pakistan and UNO

       Major organs of UN



       Pakistan in peace keeping role and in disasters times.

       Peace keeping with UN.

       ECO as an active organization. 


       Analyze Pakistan’s role in UNO and its major organs.

       Role of major organs of UNO and their objectives.

       Analyze Pakistan’s contribution in global peace keeping activities and natural disasters.

       Analyze the reasons for the failure of UNO in case of Kashmir and Palestine.


Formative Assessment: written or verbal response on question, for example:

• Describe and explain the importance of foreign policy.

• Describe the principles of the foreign policy of Pakistan.

• Evaluate the foreign relations with China, Russia, US and EU.

• Study Pakistan relations with different countries of the world.

• Analyze the effects of Pakistan’s foreign policy in coping with different conflicts.

Summative Assessment

Short questions or long questions including evaluative questions.

       Evaluate the role of UN in keeping peace in world.

       Analyze the effectiveness of OIC in the region.

       Compare the SAARC and ECO with respect to their effectiveness.

       Enlist all the international organization in which Pakistan has been a member state. 


Learning Activities

Video Watching Activities

       To understand the structure of united nations and its committees along with the important duties they have performed in international scenarios video from YouTube can be shown to students using following link.

o   https://www.youtube.com/c/unitednations/videos

       Quiz Competition: A quiz can be planned about the concepts discussed in the lesson. For example: role of UN in peace keeping in world or contribution of Pakistan in global peace keeping.

       Case study: evaluate the role of different international organizations in Türkiye and Syrian Earthquake of February 2023.

       Class presentation: Pakistan and International Organization

       Enlist all the International Organization where Pakistan has been a member state and analyze Pakistan’s role in solving different issues. Following weblink can be useful in this regard.

o   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_Pakistan

       MUN: Model United Nation can be designed keeping current affairs in front.